Thursday, December 26, 2019
Essay on A Letter From a Birmingham Jail - 717 Words
A Letter From a Birmingham Jail In Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from a Birmingham Jail, his thoughts and ideas are directly stated, well expressed, explained, and illustrated. Kings style of writing gives the reader a clear glimpse into the world with which he struggled and allows his letter to be powerfully effective. In the introductory paragraph, King introduces his reason for writing the letter and details who the audience is to be. He explains that he rarely answers criticisms and gives his reasons for answering this particular one. This grabs the readers attention in the first three sentences of the letter and establishes the importance of the document, intriguing the reader to keep reading what becomes a gripping†¦show more content†¦Among the quoted who all said something in the favor of justice are Socrates, St. Thomas Aquinas, Martin Buber, and Paul Tillich. To condone his label as an extremist, King listed other extremists: Jesus as an extremist of love, Amos an extremist of justice, Paul an extremist of the Gospel, Martin Luther, John Bunyan, and Abraham Lincoln, all highly respected people who gave everything for what they believed in. King uses this to help his cause be seen in the light of Jesus mission of Christianity and Abraham Lincolns quest for the end of slavery. King also presents other examples of those who struggled with oppression, such as the Jewish in Hitlers Germany, the early Christians, and subjects of Nebuchhadnezzar. The use of examples of other people helps the reader see that King is not alone in his thoughts and ideas. Eloquent and logical explanations are one of Kings strengths. In the twenty-second paragraph, King again uses logical appeal. He states that, In your statement you asserted that our actions, even though peaceful, must be condemned because they precipitate violence. But can this assertion be logically made? Isnt this like condemning the robbed man because his possession of money precipitated the evil act of robbery? This statement is a direct logical appeal to the readers and by using the example of a man robbed of his money places the situation on the readers level rather than on the level of theShow MoreRelatedA Letter From The Birmingham Jail1110 Words  | 5 Pagesstatement of the text’ which is often drawn directly from the Bible; (3) the ‘body of the sermon,’ which consists of repeated emotional climaxes; and (4) the ‘conclusion’ which resolves the emotional tension aroused by the sermon by drawing the sinners to God.†(Pipes 143). Based on these characteristics and King’s religious background and experience as a preacher, it is logical to argue that the structure of â€Å"A Letter from the Birmingham Jail†resembles that of a sermon which is aimed at an audienceRead MoreLetter from Birmingham Jail1872 Words  | 8 Pages2015 Letter from Birmingham Jail-Rhetorical Analysis Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†in order to address the biggest issue in Birmingham and the United States at the time (racism) and to also address the critics he received from the clergymen. The letter discusses the great injustices happening toward the Black community in Birmingham and although it is primarily aimed at the clergymen King writes the letter for all to read. In his â€Å"Letter from Birmingham JailRead MoreThe Letter From Birmingham Jail 1321 Words  | 6 Pages(King). Children ripped apart from their families, not being able to socialize with certain people, or even go to the local amusement park. It was a hard time to be a colored person, and there was one hope. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that one day blacks and whites could one day come together peacefully. King tried to do what he believed was right with everything in his will to finally join forces and not be talked down on by whites. In the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†he includes several eventsRead MoreThe Letter From A Birmingham Jail809 Words  | 4 Pagesbut all human beings who were being treated unjustly. He is known for many speeches, but The Letter from a Birmingham Jail†written in 1963 was phenomenal in my opinion; this letter, written in response to â€Å"A Call for Unity,†(Carpenter et. el, 1963 ) an article written by eight, white, Alabama clergymen, was to serve as a response to those who believed that King acted inappropriately for coming to Birmingham, Alabama, as an outsider, for creating immense tension with his demonstrations, and for theRead MoreLetter from a Birmingham Jail759 Words  | 4 PagesLuther King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham jail†is a mix of emotional passion and logical precision that seeks to achieve meaningful cause. The letter was a response to white clergy who were critical of his intention in Birmingham naming him an â€Å"outsider†. Kingà ¢â‚¬â„¢s response to critics through a letter explains his arguments vividly and effectively. King wrote the letter in a way that he agreed with his critics, nonetheless still using their words against them in logic harmony. King’s letter illustratesRead MoreThe Letter From A Birmingham Jail1266 Words  | 6 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a key figure in the civil rights movements that took place in the 1950s and 1960s. The â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†is an open letter written by King defending nonviolent resistance against racism. The letter argued that people have a moral responsibility to break unjust and unethical laws. The letter also stresses themes of unity among brothers in order to overcome racism. I will argue in support of King’s stance that citizens are morally justified in breakingRead MoreLetter From A Birmingham Jail1900 Words  | 8 PagesSummary and Response â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†John Hodgin English 111-54H Professor Bradford Ivy Tech Community College September 24, 2017 Cover Letter Professor Bradford, Obviously my primary motivation for writing my Summary and Response Draft is that it is a requirement for my English Composition Class. Having said that, I also have another heartfelt motivation for writing my Summary and Response about Martin Luther King’s â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†. I have studied aboutRead MoreLetter From Birmingham City Jail Essay1700 Words  | 7 PagesProfessor Ybarra Philosophy 1C 23 November 2015 Letter From Birmingham City Jail Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the Letter from Birmingham City Jail to the clergymen, saying that they criticized the actions and how they were targeting him. He explains in the letter how the city of Birmingham has gone through all the nonviolent campaigns and that it proves that their is serious racial injustice. Martin Luther King Jr. composed the letter to Birmingham in 1963. The reason why so many people were complainingRead MoreLetter From Birmingham Jail Act904 Words  | 4 Pages In April 1963, the city of Birmingham, Alabama, was caught in the midst of massive civil rights protests. Protestors advocating for desegregation brought the city to a halt with widespread disruptive yet peaceful protests. After a circuit court placed an injunction against protesting, parading and picketing King was arrested for his involvement. While in jail King received a letter written by eight Alabama clergymen criticizing King for his disruptive protests and the breaking of laws which leadRead MoreLetter From Birmingham Jail Essay Essay1451 Words  | 6 PagesZhuo Liu Lauren Sassenoff English 1P-5 25 September 2016 Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter while incarcerated in Birmingham jail to eight clergymen in response to their letter known as â€Å"A Call for Unity.† The letter asked for the stop of direct action type protest in Birmingham, Alabama that Martin Luther King was leading.  The letter has become known as one of the greatest works of argument in American history. Part of the reason for the letter’s
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Human Health Care System Is On The Brink Of Collapse
â€Å"The Philippines has provided the world with skilled medical professionals for decades. But as more and more workers abandon the Philippines for higher salaries abroad, public health experts say the country s health care system is on the brink of collapse.†- Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan This above quote is from a former Philippine health secretary commented about the brain drain crisis regarding the health professionals, occurring right now in the Philippines. The phenomenon known as the ‘brain drain’ is the emigration of skilled, intelligent and highly skilled personnel from a country. The Philippines have been exporting medical professionals since the early 1960’s and this has been an issue ever since. Due to increase in migration of nurses and doctors, the Philippines’ medical development has stalled for many years and one can even state that their medical quality has dropped dramatically. (Philippine Medical Brain Drain) It is important to note that the government is responsible for the brain drain of medical professionals in the Philippines and they have failed to improve the living quality and payment of these medics. As a result of this, these doctors and nurses chose to move to a more developed country for better living condition a nd better pay. Even though the Philippines are gaining profit from brain drain of these medical professionals, the negatives of this crisis covers up the positives. Furthermore, evidence has shown that the brain drain is more harmful thanShow MoreRelatedHealth Security Case Study793 Words  | 4 PagesHealth securityâ€â€linked with poor nutrition and unsafe environment, i.e. polluted water. Threats are usually greater for the poorest; the situation for women is particularly difficult (as evidenced in the North- South gap in maternal mortality.) Disparities in access to health services (e.g., ratio of doctors to population, annual per capita spending on health care) are also sharp While it is obvious that there is a correlation between the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, societal violenceRead MorePrinciple of Distributive Justice1331 Words  | 6 PagesPrinciple of Distributive Justice Considered as one type of justice, distributive justice is a central concept in the Catholic tradition and is closely linked to the concepts of human dignity, the common good, and human rights. Considered as an ethical principle, distributive justice refers to what society or a larger group owes its individual members in proportion to: 1) the individual’s needs, contribution and responsibility; 2) the resources available to the society or organization (market considerationsRead MoreThe Argument About The War On Iraq2003 Words  | 9 Pagesthe lives of 4,480 U.S. soldiers and at least 3,400 U.S. contractors. In addition, 31,928 American soldiers were wounded in action, many suffering serious disabilities that will impose a continuing burden on their families and long-term costs for health care and support. Between 110,000 and 150,000 Iraqis were killed in the war (3). Many say the Iraq War was the biggest motivator for the recent Arab Spring in many countries; there are many opinions about the War, both negative and positive. It changedRead MoreMental Prowess Of Professional Athletes1297 Words  | 6 Pagesmy journey, elevating nervous feelings to performance threatening levels. Preventing the inevitable meltdown had been my worst enemy. I often questioned the meaning behind this inner turmoil, but never considered it a priority. I was on the brink of collapse. Was this new found anxiety a reflection of unconscious inclination? After years of subjective contemplation I arrived at one hypothesis: I lacked the experience and ability to outplay failure during adverse situations. 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There is enough freshwater on the planet for seven billion people but it is distributed unevenly and too much of it is wasted, polluted and unsustainably managed. (United Nations). To reiterate water scarcity or water shortages haveRead MoreWhat Is A Penal Crisis?2392 Words  | 10 PagesWhat is a Penal Crisis? The penal system is the collective term for the processes and agencies involved in overseeing jurisdictions prisons and community-based programs such as probation and parole. The main aims of such a system is to promote social control and deter deviant and criminal behaviour. â€Å"If to be in crisis means that the whole system is on the brink of total collapse or explosion, then we probably do not have a crisis.†(Cavadino and Dignan, 2002: 10) While ‘Crisis’ may seem like anRead More Holistic Design Essays3170 Words  | 13 Pagesroot of action; if we can creatively construct our products and systems with purpose and understanding of the processes and side effects of these systems, we can improve our relationship to the natural world. Introduction to Industrial Design Our modern lives are full of manufactured products. Nearly everything that surrounds us in our day-to-day lives is born of intense industrial processes, yet rarely do we think of the systems that support our lifestyles. Finding a single action in a day thatRead MoreNfpa 100630569 Words  | 123 Pagesrequirements for a rescue technician as well as specific job performance requirements for special rescue operations. These performance requirements include rope rescue, surface water rescue, vehicle and machinery rescue, confined space rescue, structural collapse rescue, and trench rescue. In the 2003 edition of NFPA 1006, all of the chapters were reviewed and changes were made to comply with the Manual of Style for NFPA Technical Committee Documents. Three new chapters were added to the document: SubterraneanRead MoreNfpa 100630576 Words  | 123 Pagesrequirements for a rescue technician as well as specific job performance requirements for special rescue operations. These perform ance requirements include rope rescue, surface water rescue, vehicle and machinery rescue, confined space rescue, structural collapse rescue, and trench rescue. In the 2003 edition of NFPA 1006, all of the chapters were reviewed and changes were made to comply with the Manual of Style for NFPA Technical Committee Documents. Three new chapters were added to the document: Subterranean
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
DBQ Reforming Movements affect on the Democracy o Essay Example For Students
DBQ: Reforming Movements affect on the Democracy o Essay f a NationWhen one hears the term democracy, the concept of rule by the people and freedom come into mind. Often reform movements, free elections, and suffrage activities fit into this category such as those of the period from 1825 to 1850 in the young United States. This period consisted Americans who rebelled against this newly adopted governmental concept, while others accepted it with relief that they had a voice in the governments decisions. The idea that the civilians could take control gave way to a new era of reform movements during this time period. The validity of the statement, Reform movements in the United States sought to expand democratic ideals, was both verified and rejected by the citizens of America of the mid 1850s, yet was completely valid. The fight for reformations of laws and institutions by the Americans showed desperate cries for freedom and furthermore, proof of the poor governmental policy that existed. As stated in Document F, the overall goal of reformer s was to, unite a voluntary Association, and strive for equality and freedom for men and women of all races. Leading up to the reform movement was the growth in the power of the national government and the expression of peoples feelings of defiance towards the decisions and laws created by government officials. Starting in 1825, when John Quincy Adams held the presidency, a number of reforms including the temperance movement; a movement hoping to ban alcohol consumption, the womens rights movement, and reforms related to education, religion, and imprisonment of criminals, were enforced in hope of massacring the current national government and giving the nation a more democratic union. While many American citizens were highly against these movements seeking freedom, QUACK EFORMERSthese systems of reform disown the past, condemn what has been, and propose the creation of an entirely new social order numerous African Americans in the south and white men and women in the north sacrificed their lives to obtain democratic rule in their beloved country (Document G). The temperance movement was rei nforced by religious (Christian) and moral beliefs. US citizens felt the amount of alcohol consumption was ridiculous and caused the integrity of people to decline, and because the government had not stepped in and reinforced its danger of over consumption, the people felt it was their duty to stand up for what they felt was right. Suffragettes, women who were determined to spread equality for women, started the Seneca Falls doctrine and acted as leaders of the womens rights movement. Ever since America was established when Columbus came across the Atlantic, women were not given he same rights as me. Unable to vote, and quarreling with politicians who were resistant to change, women created their own doctrine resembling the United States Declaration of Independence. According to Document I, the women of the Seneca Falls movement, assembled to protest against a form of government, existing without the consent of the government, and wished to, declare our right to be free as man is fr ee. The main hope of the suffragettes was to gain their right to vote for government officials and the president. After the doctrine was established in Seneca Falls, NY, women in the north and south realized how unfairly they had been treated compared to men and followed the womens rights movement. Womens strive for a democratic nation spread throughout the people, rooting from women partitioning for their equality to men. Demonstrated in Document C, a woman bends down with her hands clasps and held in chains and asks the question, Am I not a woman and a sister? The African American woman ponders why she is not treated the same way as men and other white women. This is just one example of how the Declaration of Sentiments spread the idea of democracy to women across America. The movement created to establish a successful penitentiary system marked the beginning of discipline over criminals and the hope of stopping crime and rebellion in cities. As stated in Document A, by seeking ou t the youthful and unprotected, who were in the way of temptation, and by religious and moral instruction, by imparting to them useful knowledge, and by giving them industrious and orderly habits, the prison system taught criminals the consequences that can come from their actions and prevented them fro causing uprisings and chaos. The establishment of this system of prisons promoted the democratic beliefs blossoming in the nation. If people were forced to control their actions and take responsibility over themselves, there would be less crime and therefore no need for imprisonment and degradation. Beginning in the early 1820s, educational and religious values became popular among the American society. While women were formerly known for their housework and childcare, they began to take upon roles in education at collegiate levels. Wealthy families began sending their children to private schools and investing in doing whatever they could to make sure their kids had a proper educatio n. Churches were built in most towns and served as a meeting place for the townspeople. Devout Christians looked to these churches for relief from the stress of the governmental situation of the mid 1800s and practiced their right to religious freedom. When the churches are awakened and reformed, the reformation and salvation of sinners will followHarlots, and drunkards, and infidels, and all sorts o abandoned characters , are awakened and converted (Document B). The Church served as a place for repentance and prayer. This along with the penitentiary system, kept the criminals and sinners practicing their beliefs and more so, aware of their sinful actions. The democratic ideals present from 1825 to 1850 cam about because of the reform movements led by the men and women who felt strongly about changing the society of America. In one mans words, the strength numbers, allowed the country to unite and forget their differences, in order to proceed in gaining the freedoms and institutions they had hoped for (Document D). The national government of this time period was not particular strong when making national decisions such as suffrage rights. The number of reform movements allowed the government to see the beliefs of the people and the unpopular belief that the government should be controlled by the citizens of the country, rather than elected government officials.
Monday, December 2, 2019
South By Southwest Essays - Mexico, Mexicans, Agustn De Iturbide
South By Southwest The setting of this story covers an immense number of years of conquering and colonization in the Southwest areas we now know as California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. It begins in the early 15 and 1600's, in a time when many important Spaniards, such as Juan Bautista de Anza (in 1775 he led the longest overland migration of a colony in North American history before Oregon), were moving into the Southwest in search of gold, silver, bread, and jobs. It also talks about the Indians, who were already living in the area we now know as Mexico, that did not get along real well with the Spaniards(Anglos) when they came in to invade their land. The two main Indian tribes of that time were the Mayas(a peaceful people who were interested in science, invented a calendar to grow maize, and were later believed to be wiped out by a great natural catastrophe), and the Aztecs(a powerful bloodthirsty tribe who feared no human only their gods). Next it went on to the 1800's and early 1900's, when Mexico decided to fight the Spaniards for their independence. Finally, the book went on into the mid to late 1900's, where Mexico began to modernize and become a good neighbor to the United States. 6. The major conflict was between the Anglos and the Mexicans. It began with the Spaniards and the Indians(Aztecs) fighting over the Valley of Anahuac. The Spaniards(led by Cortez) ended up winning the battle over the Aztecs(led by Moctezuma). Due to the cruel and ruthless Spanish rule, a new social system was set up where the Spanish-born whites were the rulers, the Mexican-born whites were the aristocracy, and the Indians lived lives of poverty and slavery. Another class grew called mestizos(Mexican-Indian), and out of all these were the forces that created Mexico. Next, Mexico(led first by Padre Miguel Hidalgo, then by Jose Maria Morelos, and finally by a traitor D. Augustin de Iturbide) fought the Spaniards for their independence. The first two lost and were killed, but they ignited a spark that later led to victory with the help of Iturbide and his army. For a while Mexico was in chaos, but with the help of many leaders,(Benito Juarez, Porfirio Diaz, and Lazaro Cardenas to name a few) they were able to start making laws and bring Mexico to become a modern society, free from slavery and dictatorship. Now, like the rest of the world, Mexico is developing into an urban area with cities that are modern and spreading out in many directions. 7. I believe the theme of this story to be that although Mexico and the United States had very different histories, they have grown together. They share such a long border that they need to maintain a peaceful border, otherwise many problems can occur. Mexico and U.S. rely on each other for many important imports and exports. In many cases, other than a political one, the line that runs between Brownsville, Texas and San Diego, California is considered an invisible one. Many cross it often, as in some areas it is only a barbed wire fence or a river easily crossed. Also there is said to be about as many "Mexican-Americans" in the Southwest as there are in the Mexican states just south of the border, which makes it seem, in many ways, as if it is all one region. 8. The main characters were more groups than anything: the Spaniards, the Mexicans, the Indians, and the Anglos, however, there were some important ones' within the groups to be mentioned. These are: Cortez(the leader of the Spaniards when fighting the Aztecs), Moctezuma(the leader of the Aztecs), Padre Miguel Hidalgo, Jose Maria Morelos, and D. Augustin de Iturbide(leaders of Mexico in their revolution against the Spaniards), and Benito Juarez, Porfirio Diaz, and Lazaro Cardenas(all leaders of Mexico helping to organize and modernize Mexico). 9. I would recommend this book to many of my friends and relatives. I have many Mexican American relatives that are very interested in all I am learning in this class, and whenever I find a good book, they are all very eager to learn about it. This book was an excellent read. It was full of history that was not taught to me before, and I really enjoyed learning about the history of the Mexican American.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Photosynthesis Formal Lab Report Essays
Photosynthesis Formal Lab Report Essays Photosynthesis Formal Lab Report Paper Photosynthesis Formal Lab Report Paper This captured energy is used to convert carbon dioxide into complex energy-rich molecules that can be used by themselves or other organisms. Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy to chemical energy in the form of sugar and other organic molecules. (Russell, Wolfe, Hertz, Starr, 2010). Photosynthesis can be categorized into two main processes: light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions. For the purpose of this lab, light- dependent reactions will be investigated. The reactants involved in photosynthesis include carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to produce glucose, oxygen, and water. The light reactions involve the capture and use of light energy by pigment molecules to synthesize NADIA and AT P. Plants use this light energy to produce glucose from carbon dioxide. The glucose is stored mainly in the form of starch granules, in the chloroplasts of cells. Glucose in the form of starch is non-polar and is not soluble in water, allowing it to be stored much more compactly. The chloroplast is formed from an outer membrane, an inner membrane, and an intermediate compartment. The aqueous environment within the inner membrane is called the stoma. Within the stoma is the ayatollahs, which are flattened, closed sacs. It is in these sacs that the specific molecules required to carry out the light reactions of photosynthesis are contained, including the pigments, electron transfer carriers, and the TAP syntheses enzymes for TAP production. A pigment is able to absorb photons of light and differ by the wavelengths of light they can absorb. The amount of energy in a photon is inversely related to its wavelength. Blue light has a shorter wavelength and consists of photons that have higher energy than the longer wavelength red light. When photons of light hit an object, they can be reflected off the object, transmitted through the object or absorbed by the object. The absorption of light by a pigment results in electrons becoming excited and moving to a higher energy state. Color is determined by the wavelengths that it cannot absorb, therefore chlorophyll is green since it does not absorb green light. If a pigment absorbs all wavelengths of visible light, the object appears black. A large variety of pigments can be found in plants. The most common are chlorophyll a and b and carotids, located in he chloroplasts of cells, and anticyclones, located in the cell vacuoles and do not contribute to photosynthesis. Each of these pigments has different properties and performs different functions for the plant, including absorbing light in different parts of the spectrum. The more light absorbed equals the more energy available for a plant. The pigment molecules that can be found in plants are specifically arranged in and around photometers that are embedded in the ethylated membranes of chloroplasts. Each contains a reaction centre surrounded by an antenna complex. Light from the sun travels into the holocaust and goes through the antenna pigment. The energy trapped by the antenna complex is funneled to the reaction centre, called IPPP, where it is used to oxidize a chlorophyll molecule and donate an electron to a primary acceptor molecule to continue into carbon fixation to ultimately release glucose sugar (Oracle Thinkers, 2010). The reaction centers are named after the wavelength (in manometers) of their red-peak absorption maximum. Most plant parts, especially leaves, contain some combination of the three main pigments, even if only one is especially obvious. It is possible to separate these segments from each other using a technique called paper chromatography. In this process, plant tissue extract is applied to a piece of chromatography paper. A solvent is allowed to travel up the paper, and if the pigment is soluble in the solvent, it will be carried along with it. (Benny, 2009) Different pigments have different affinities for the solvents or polarity and will travel at different rates. Chlorophyll, anticyclones, and carotids are typically non-polar. For lab 12, it is hypothesized that chlorophyll a and b are present in a plant leaf and contribute to the starch production in photosynthesis. Also, products of photosynthesis will be present in leaf tissue exposed to red and blue light wavelengths for sever al days, but a decreased presence in leaf tissue exposed to green and black light wavelengths. In lab 13, it is expected that since chlorophyll a and b are more polar and smaller molecules than the anticyclones and carotids, they will travel higher up the chromatography paper than the other pigments. Materials and Methods Lab 12 In the first part of this laboratory experiment, a multi-colored leaf was removed from a Coleus plant that was in direct sunlight for several hours. The hypothesized results for which pigments were present and the results of an kill starch test were then recorded. A boiling alcohol bath was set up, which consisted of a IL beaker containing mall of water on a hot plate, and a mall beaker containing mall of 80% ethyl alcohol inserted into the larger water beaker. The water was brought to a slow boil and the leaf was placed into the boiling alcohol solution in order to extract the pigments. When the leaf became almost white, the leaf was removed, placed into a Petri dish, and covered with distilled water. KAKI solution was added to the distilled water until a pale amber lour was obtained. The leaf produced a purple-black color in some areas which show a positive test for starch. In the second part of the lab, part of a leaf was taken from a germanium plant that had been covered for several days with different color filters: blue, green, red, and black. In order to differentiate between the leaves taken from different filters, the black filter leaf had one notch taken from leaf, the green had 2 notches, the red had 3 notches, and the blue had 4 notches. The leaves were then place into the alcohol bath that was used in the first experiment. When the leaves became mostly white, they were removed using forceps, placed into a Petri dish, and rinsed and covered with distilled water. Kill was added to the distilled water until an amber color was achieved. The observation of the reaction of the leaves with the kill after 5 minutes was then recorded. See appendix for original lab report. Lab 13 In this laboratory experiment, pieces of spinach leaves were mashed in a mortar and pestle in order to extract the plants pigments. These pigments were transferred to a piece of chromatography paper with a marked pencil line CM room the bottom by means of a capillary tube. The chlorophyll pigment was allowed to dry and was re-applied 5 times, drying between each application. The chromatography paper rolled and stapled and was placed into a jar containing a petroleum ether and acetone solvent. The chromatography was allowed to proceed until the solvent reached about CM from the top. The paper was removed and examined for separations of pigments. See appendix for original lab report. The control for the overall experiment was the original leaf taken from the Coleus plant in lab 12, both before and after the 121
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Sentence Fragments and Run-ons in SAT Writing Tips and Questions
Sentence Fragments and Run-ons in SAT Writing Tips and Questions SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Can you recognize a sentence when you see one? Most people will automatically answer that they can. But correct sentence structureis one of the most commonly-tested grammatical concepts on the SAT Writing section. What does it take to makea sentence complete? How can you recognize a fragment or a run-on? Read on to figure out how the SAT manages to trick so many students with this seemingly easy concept. In this guide I am going to show you: What constitutes a complete sentence How prepositional phrases, appositives and non-essential clauses can make sentences more difficult to understand How to recognize and fix fragments How to recognize and fix run-on sentences Strategies to attack these kinds of questions Examples of this kind of question from the SAT Test Yourself To start, take a look at the following. Some of these are correct sentences. Others are fragmentsorrun-ons. Can you tell which are which? Do you understand why the incorrect sentences are incorrect? Rebecca, the chef, struggles to find fresh mozzarella in the stores. Rebecca, who was a fantastic chef skilled in making pasta and pizzas. After working in a restaurant for ten years, Rebecca opened her own Italian cafe, it was called â€Å"Mi Piace.†Rebecca, who was skilled in making pasta, did not enjoy eating it. Although Rebecca was very skilled in making pasta, and ate it all the time. Her friends delighting in her pizzas and baked goods. She loved pizza. Because she showed a talent for cooking from a young age, Rebecca, who had a closet full of children’s cookbooks. Rebecca ate a lot of pizza, soon she started cooking it, too. Answers: 1. Sentence; 2. Fragment; 3. Run-on; 4. Sentence; 5. Fragment; 6. Fragment; 7. Sentence; 8. Fragment; 9. Run-on How did you do? As you can see, it can be more difficult than you might think to correctly identify a sentence every time - and even more so to understandwhy an incorrect sentence is not right.Keep reading and we will cover exactly what a sentenceneeds to becorrect. What Is a Sentence? Sentences can be short or long, simple or complex. In order to have a correct, complete sentence, you really only need two things: asubject, and averb that is conjugated to match the subject. A subject and a correctly conjugated verb together, along with anything else that goes with them, formanindependent clause.Don't worry, you don't need to know that term for the SAT! But it will be useful as we move forward for understanding sentences. An independent clause can stand on its own as a complete sentence becauseit makes sense as it is and expresses a complete thought. For example, all of the following are independent clauses: The girl runs. The girl with bows in her hair runs. The young girl with bows in her hair runs through the village square. Each of these has a subject, a correctly conjugated verb, and makes sense without any additional information. The subject in each of these sentences is "girl". The verb, "runs", is correctly conjugated in the third person singular to match the subject. If you wanted to, you could get rid of all the additional words in the second and third sentences above, and they would still make sense. There is one situation in which you can have a complete sentence, but you will not be able to pick out the subject and the verb. This is withcommands. Commands always have anunderstood subject of "you", which means that it does not need to be written. Example Run! Speak! Run down the street and speak to your grandmother! Fortunately, the SAT does not test this concept very often, but it's important to understand just in case it does come up. So now you know the basics of a simple sentence! Sentences can have more than just one independent clause, however - and this is where things can get tricky. They can have a second independent clause, or the independent clause can be attached to a dependent clause. Sentences with More than One Independent Clause Sometimes, sentences can have more than one independent clause. If this is the case, you have to make sure that they are joined together correctly. If they are not, they are considered run-on sentences.We will talk more about how to recognize run-ons, but let's first focus on how things are done correctly. There are a few different ways that you can correctly join two independent clauses together to make onecompound sentence. #1: Don't join them at all! This may be the easiest solution at times.You do not have to join the clauses together.Keep them separated by a period. Example Julia and Louise both like to eat pizza.They both love pepperoni. #2: Join the sentences with a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions can be remembered by the acronym FANBOYS: F for A and N nor B but O or Y yet S so Example Julia and Louise both like to eat pizza, for they both love pepperoni. #3: Join the independent clauses with a semicolon. A semicolon on its own basically functionsexactly the same way a period does.You can join the two clauses with a semicolon and nothing else. Example Julia and Louise both like to eat pizza; they both love pepperoni. #4: Join the sentences with a semicolon and aconjunctive adverb. Some of the most common conjunctive adverbs include however, nevertheless, therefore, moreover, and consequently. Different conjunctive adverbs show different relationships. For example, "however" and "nevertheless" imply a contrast, so use these if one sentence gives information that somehow contrasts the previous one. "Therefore" and "consequently" imply a cause-and-effect relationship. Use these when one sentence is a result of something the happened in the previous sentence. "Moreover" is used to indicate expand on the information given in the first sentence. Example Julia and Louise both like to eat pizza; moreover, they both love pepperoni. Note that conjunctive adverbs can come after either a semicolon or a period, but they must be followed by a comma. #5: Turn one of the independent clauses into a dependent (or subordinate) clause. We will go into dependent clauses in more detail in a moment, but for now, this is what this solution would look like: Example Since they love pepperoni,both Julia and Louise like to eat pizza. Understanding how dependent clauses work and are formed is very important for being able to spot run-ons and fragments. Let's take a closer look at how they can be used in sentences. Sentences with Dependent (or Subordinate) Clauses Again, the terminology here isn't important, but the concept is. Like an independent clause, a dependent clausehas a subject and a verb, but it doesn't make sense on its own. Dependent clauses are usually used to describe the circumstances in which anindependent clause occurs. Example While she was gardening, Jennyfound an old penny. In this sentence, the dependent clause "While she was gardening", gives the context for when Jennyfound the penny. Note that "while she was gardening" does not express a complete thought on its own - it's just setting the scene for more information to come. We will talk more about this later. Be careful, because, when speaking, people often use dependent clauses in place ofcomplete sentences.Imagine the following conversation: You: â€Å"Look at this cool old penny I found! It’s from 1933!†Friend: â€Å"Wow, that is cool. Where did you find that?†You: â€Å"While I was gardening.†Though we talkthis way, it’s not acceptable inwritten English. Even in this conversation, â€Å"While I was gardening†is describing an independent clause you have already said - â€Å"Look at this cool old penny I found!†On the SAT, a sentence that only consists of a dependent clause will always be incorrect. I will cover this idea in more detail in the â€Å"Fragments†section below. Sentences with Prepositional Phrases, Appositives, and RelativeClauses Some sentences include additional phrases or clauses that describe a noun or verb. There are a few different tupes, but none can replace a independent clause. Prepositional Phrases Prepositional phrases can be added to sentences to add more detail about something in the sentence. To learn more about prepositional phrases, see this article. You can add a prepositional phrasealmost anywhere in the sentence, depending on what the prepositional phrase is describing. The man in my kitchen was making sandwiches. The man was making sandwiches in my kitchen. Remember that you should be able to completely delete the prepositional phase and still be left with a complete sentence: The man was making sandwiches. Also remember that a prepositional phrase cannot stand alone as a sentence: In my kitchen. = INCORRECT Relative Clauses A relative clause gives extra information about a noun in the sentence- it oftencomes between the subject and the verb. Relative clauses are so named because theybegin withrelative pronouns, likethat, who, which, whose,or where. Examples The man, who was standing in my kitchen, was making sandwiches. The man, whose sandwiches we enjoyed, works in the cafe down the street. Thesecan be removed from the sentence and a complete sentence will be left over: The man was making sandwiches. The man works in the cafe down the street. Appositives An appositive is when a word or phrase that consists of a noun or pronoun (along with any descriptive words)is placed directly next to another noun in the sentence to re-state it and add a description. Appositives can be a single word, or a phrase (a group of words). Appositive are also set off by commas. Examples My dad, Phil, works in the cafe down the street. My father, the man who is in the kitchen, likes making sandwiches. Sandwiches, one of my favorite types of food, are delicious. Appositives can also be crossed out and you will have a complete sentence left over. My dad works in the cafe down the street. My father likes making sandwiches. Sandwiches are delicious. Now that you know various ways to construct acorrect, complete sentence,let's discuss some of themistakes that students often make in doing so. We'll start with common pitfalls that causeincomplete sentences. What is a Fragment? A fragment is an incomplete sentence. There are 6main mistakes that can make a sentence a fragment: A â€Å"sentence†that lacks a verb A â€Å"sentence†that has an -ing or non-past tense -ed verb without a helping verb A â€Å"sentence†that lack a subject A â€Å"sentence†that begins with a subordinating conjunction and has no main clause A â€Å"sentence†that add details to the main clause, but is separated from it A â€Å"sentence†that has a nonessential clause or prepositional phrase and incomplete main clause Let's discuss each of these separately. 1. Sentences that do not have a verb To recognize these kinds of fragments, ask yourself what the subject of the sentence is doing. If you can't answer that question, it's probably because there's no verb! Examples John, after winning the trophy. (What did he do?) Ten cakes and two dozen cupcakes. (What about them?) Next Tuesday. (What is next Tuesday?) To fix these kinds of fragments, you must add a verb to show an action or state of being. John, after winning the trophy, smiled. Ten cakes and two dozen cupcakes were prepared by the bakery. Next Tuesday is my birthday. 2. Sentences with a gerund or past participleand no helping verb. These errors can be a bit more difficult to recognize. Whenever you see a gerund, an â€Å"-ing†verb, or a past participle, an â€Å"-ed†verb that doesn’t seem to be describing the past tense, thereMUST bea helping verb with it oranother verb somewhere else in the sentence. If the sentencehas neither, it's a fragment. Examples The children walking through the park. The paintings created by the students. Students studying every night for the SAT. The actress smiling at the crowd There are two ways to fix these kinds of fragments. The first is toadd a helping verb or change the verb to another form. Examples The children were walking through the park. The paintings were created by the students. The students had been studying every night for the SAT. The actress was smiling at the crowd. OR The actress smiled at the crowd. The second way to fix these fragments is to use the -ing or -ed word as a participle - meaning that it is an adjective describing a noun in the sentence - and add a main verb. Examples The children walking through the park shouted with joy. The paintings created by the students were hung in the hallway. The students studying every night for the SAT were sleep deprived. The actress, smiling at the crowd, accepted the award. 3. A sentence is also a fragment if it lacks a subject. To recognize this error, ask yourself: who is doing the action? Examples After reading all the assigned material. (Who read it?) Wanted to discuss her grades with the teacher. (Who wanted to?) Contemplating the meaning of life. (Who was?) You may notice that some of these examples also have errors we have already discussed. To fix these, we need to add a subject and make sure there is a correctly conjugated main verb. Examples Phil went to bed after reading all the assigned material. Amanda wanted to discuss her grades with the teacher. She was contemplating the meaning of life. 4. A sentence is a fragment if it is a dependent or subordinate clause. This means that it has both a subject and a verb in the correct form, but it begins with a subordinating conjunctionand is not attached to another, main clause that is a complete sentence on its own. To recognize these errors, see if the sentence begins with a subordinating conjunction.Some common subordinating conjunctions include: after, although, as, as if, because, before, ever since, if, in order, just as, since, so that, though, unless, until, when, whenever, where, whether, whereas, whichever, while. Examples While I was parking the car. When he finished baking cupcakes. Since she owns two horses. To fix these errors, you need to connect them to an independent clause - a complete thoughtthat can stand on its own. Examples While I was parking the car, I saw a cat run across the driveway. When he finished baking cupcakes, I iced them. Since she owns two horses, she is going to give me riding lessons. 5. Look out foradded detail fragments. These constructions come after a complete sentence and give extra information, but they don't express a complete thought on their own. They usually begin with words like such as, including, and for example. If you see a "sentence" that begins with one of the above words or phrases, check to see if it has a subject and a verb. If the subject and verb are part of another sentence, then it is a fragment. Examples I enjoy seeing animals at the zoo. Such as monkeys, zebras, and lions. Julia enjoys watching anime. For example, YuYu Hakusho and Princess Mononoke. I like to eat sweets, such as: donuts, chocolate, and candy. These fragments can be fixed in several ways. The first is to add the detail fragment to the main sentence it is describing. I enjoy seeing animals such as monkeys, zebras, and lions at the zoo. Additionally, you can make a complete sentence out of the fragment by adding a subject and a verb. Julia enjoys watching anime. For example, she watches YuYu Hakusho and Princess Mononoke. When one of the words introduces a list with a colon, make sure that what comes before the colon can stand on its own as a complete sentence. I like to eat sweets: donuts, chocolate, and candy. Or you can make a sentence without the colon. I like to eat sweets, such as donuts, chocolate, and candy. 6. Some fragments will have a relativeclause, appositive, or prepositional phrase with an incomplete main clause. To spot these errors, cross out the relativeclause, appositive, or prepositional phrase. Are you left with a complete sentence? Examples John, who won the trophy four years in a row.→John, who won the trophy four years in a row.(Missing verb) In the newspapers. →In the newspapers.(Missing subject and verb) The trophy, which was given to the person who could cook an omelette the fastest. → The trophy, which was given to the person who could cook an omelette the fastest.(Missing verb) Santa Claus, the jolly man in the red suit. → Santa Claus, the jolly man in the red suit.(Missing verb) To correct these errors, add a subject or a verb as needed. Make sure that if you eliminate the prepositional phrase or non-essential clause, that there is complete sentence left over. John, who won the trophy four years in a row, congratulated his competitors. John congratulated his competitors. = CORRECT John’s victory was announced in the newspapers. John’s victory was announced. = CORRECT The trophy, which was given to the person who could cook an omelette the fastest, was shaped like an egg. The trophy was shaped like an egg. = CORRECT Santa Claus, the jolly man in the red suit, ate all my cookies. Santa Claus ate all my cookies. = CORRECT Now you know the ways to fix incomplete sentences! Another common error that the SAT will test you on is whetheryou can recognize sentences that are incorrect because the clauses have been joined together incorrectly. Let's look at how to tackle these questions. What is a Run-on? A run-on is when two or more sentences run together and aren't separated by the correct punctuation.Some people think that â€Å"run-on†just means a really long sentence. This isn't true - you can have a very long sentence that is grammatically correct.This sentence is 239 words long but is not a run-on. There are three main types of run-ons: Comma splices Fused sentences Sentences joined by a conjunctive adverb and commas Comma Splices Acomma spliceoccurs whentwo complete independent clauses (full sentences) arejoined together by a comma and nothing else. A comma can never join together two complete sentences on its own. When you see a sentence with a comma in the middle, check to see if there is a coordinating conjunction (see this article for more info) that joins the sentences together or if one of the clauses is a subordinate clause that begins with a subordinating conjunction. If not, the sentence is a run-on. Example She was offered the prestigious job, she turned it down because she did not want to move to Texas. Fused Sentences Fused sentencesoccur when two or more sentences run right into each other, with no punctuation at all. To recognize these, look to see if a sentencehas two unconnected subjects and verbs without the necessary punctuation (see above for the correct ways to join two independent clauses). She was offered the prestigious job she turned it down because she did not want to move to Texas. Incorrectly Punctuated Conjunctive Adverbs Joining two independent clauses with a conjunctive adverb and commas is another recipe for a run-on. Conjunctive adverbs can only be used to connect two independent clauses in concert with a period or a semicolon. When you see a conjunctive adverb (however, moreover, nevertheless, therefore, consequently, etc.)with commas on either side of it, check whether it's being used to connect independentclauses on either side of it. If so, the sentence is a run-on. She was offered the prestigious job, however, she turned it down because she did not want to move to Texas. Correcting Run-ons To fix run-ons, you will use the rules outlined above to correctly join two sentences: 1. Create two separate sentences. She was offered the prestigious job. She turned it down because she did not want to move to Texas. 2. Use a comma and FANBOYS conjunction. She was offered the prestigious job, but she turned it down because she did not want to move to Texas. 3. Use a semicolon. She was offered the prestigious job; she turned it down because she did not want to move to Texas. 4. Use a semicolon with a conjunctive adverb. She was offered the prestigious job; however, she turned it down because she did not want to move to Texas. 5. Re-write the sentence with a subordinate clause. Depending on the sentence, this may not always be as easily done, and may require extra work. Since she did not want to move to Texas, she turned down the prestigious job that she was offered. 6. If the two clauses have the same subject, join the sentences and remove the repeated subject. Notice that this way, you do not need a comma with your FANBOYS conjunction. She was offered the prestigious job but turned it down because she did not want to move to Texas. Specific Strategies for Fragments and Run-ons Fragments and run-ons will most frequently be tested in Improving Sentences questions, though they will also sometimes appear in Identifying Errors and Improving Paragraphs. Use the following steps to approach a fragment or run-on question: 1. When you first read the sentence, make sure you can find the subjectand correctly conjugated verb. Is this difficult? If you see a prepositional phrase, appositive, or a non-essential clause, cross it out. See if you have a correct sentence left over. 2. In both the original sentence and the answer choices, look for the telltale signs of a fragment or run-on error: -ed or -ing verbs. Check for appropriate helping verbs. Clause that begins with a subordinating conjunction. Check it is connected to a main clause. A separate sentence describing a previous sentence, with words like â€Å"for example.†Conjunctive adverbs like â€Å"however†surrounded by commas A semicolon followed by a FANBOYS conjunction A single comma in the middle of the sentence - often a sign of comma splice 3. Immediately cross out any answer choices that make the above errors. 4. IMPORTANT: One almost sure sign of a mistake is a non-essential clause that is not immediately followed by a verb. If you see one of these, it is almost always a fragment that needs fixing. Examples My father, who is one of the greatest violinists in the world, and he plays the piano, as well. → FRAGMENT My father, who is one of the greatest violinists in the world, plays the piano, as well. → CORRECT 5. IMPORTANT: Watch out for commas separating two independent clauses (aka a comma splice). This is the most common type of run-on that you will see on the SAT. 6. Select a final answer choice that follows the above rules and also follows the standard style rules used on the Writing SAT: No unnecessary prepositions or articles Pronouns must have clear antecedents Use fewer gerunds and participles if possible No dangling or misplaced modifiers Choose the most concise option that is also grammatically correct. Let’s try one together†¦ Santa Fe is one of the oldest cities in the United States, its adobe architecture, spectacular setting, and clear, radiant light have long made it a magnet for artists. Santa Fe is one of the oldest cities in the United States, its Santa Fe, which is one of the oldest cities in the Unites States, its Santa Fe, which is one of the oldest cities in the United States, has Santa Fe is one of the oldest cities in the United States; its Santa Fe, one of the oldest cities in the United States, and it The first thing that I notice in this question is that part of the underlined portion contains a comma. This is a clue that I should check to see how it is being used. Commas are correctly used to separate items in a list and to separate dependent clauses from independent clauses. This is obviously not a list (though we do have a list at the end of the sentence) and I don’t see any subordinating conjunctions, so it’s not a dependent clause. Now I need to check if I am dealing with a comma splice. Can I make two separate sentences out of the above by replacing the comma with a period? Santa Fe is one of the oldest cities in the United States. Its adobe architecture, spectacular setting, and clear, radiant light have long made it a magnet for artists. This works, so I'm dealing witha comma splice. Now I’m going to look at the answer choices and see if I can spot some other obvious errors. Choice (A) is always the same as the original sentence, so it contains the comma splice. I can rule it out. Choices (B) and (C) both contain non-essential clauses beginning with â€Å"which†. As I know from the rules above, I should always be able to cross out non-essential clauses and have a complete sentence left over. So let’s try that: B: Santa Fe its adobe architecture, spectacular setting, and clear, radiant light have long made it a magnet for artists. → SENTENCE DOES NOT MAKE SENSE, so (B) is out. C: Santa Fe has adobe architecture, spectacular setting, and clear radiant light have long made it a magnet for artists. → SENTENCE DOES NOT MAKE SENSE, so (C) is out. Choice (D) uses a semicolon to separate the two independent clauses, which is one of the correct ways to join two sentences together. Therefore, answer (D) is correct. But just to be certain, let’s look at answer (E). This option contains an appositive. We should be able to cross it out and have a correct sentence: E: Santa Fe and it adobe architecture, spectacular setting, and clear, radiant light have long made it a magnet for artists. → SENTENCE DOES NOT MAKE SENSE, so (E) is out. Now time to try some on your own! Practice Questions from the SAT #1: What must be done with sentence 1 below? (1) The students in the class agreed - some of them unhappily - that they would all participate in the new book club. (2) Started by their literature professor, who also ran a film club on campus. Combine it with sentence 2, putting a comma after â€Å"club†. Begin it with the words â€Å"It was†. Replace the comma after "professor" with a semicolon. Place the word "ran" by "was running". Change â€Å"professor, who†to â€Å"professor, she†#2: Many people do not like anchovies on their pizza, it is because they think they taste bad and are disgusting as a result. pizza, it is because they think they taste bad and are disgusting as a result pizza because they think they taste bad and therefore find them disgusting pizza for the reason that they think they taste bad with resulting disgust pizza because of thinking they taste bad and therefore they think them disgusting pizza, their thoughts of them being that they taste bad resulting in finding them disgusting #3: Having won gold in the Olympics two years in a row, the Brazilian women's soccer team praised for their athleticism. praised for their athleticism praised and were very athletic has been praised for its athleticism are praised for having athleticism is being praised for being athletic #4: To assist the team in the timely production of the film, a revised script written overnight by the director and producer. a revised script written overnight by the director and producer. a revised script being written overnight by the director and producer and to write overnight a revised script by the director and producer the director and producer have written a revised script overnight with the director and producer writing a revised script overnight #5: A form of dance traditional to northern Spain is the Flamenco, it combines rhythmic stamping with emotional intensity. Flamenco, it combines rhythmic stamping Flamenco, which combines rythmic stamping Flamenco, which lets them combine rhythmic stamping Flamenco; letting them combine rhythmic stamping Flamenco by having a combination of rhythmic stamping #6: London's iconic Tower Bridge, which was opened on(A) June 30, 1894,to span the Thames River, and is crossed by(B) a minimum of(C) 40,000people(D) perday. Noerror. (E) Answers: 1. B; 2. B; 3. C; 4. D; 5. B; 6. B What’s Next? Now that you’ve mastered one of the trickiest concepts on SAT Writing, time to check out some others! Read about how the SAT will test you on parallel structure, illogical comparisons, and wordiness and redundancy. Need to review some of the basics before moving forward? Brush up on the fundamentals of grammar with our Parts of Speech guide. Was this concept too easy? Check out some of the most difficult questions you’ll encounter on SAT Writing. Aiming high? 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Thursday, November 21, 2019
Investment Analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi Essay
Investment Analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi - Essay Example Later he formed Pepsi-Cola Company in 1902. In 1965, Pepsi-Cola Company was merged with Frito-Lay, Inc. which created PepsiCo, Inc. PepsiCo. has expanded to include various range of foods like snack foods, health drinks, etc. Their current head is Indra Nooyi who is the Chairman and CEO (Penzkofer, 2007). The major customers of the company are the young generation of people and also include the sportsman. They use mainly Sustainable Sourcing program which leads to improved performance. Coco-Cola is a carbonated soft drink company headquartered in United States. It was introduced in the year 1886. It was intended to be a patent machine; this company was bought out by Asa Griggs Candler. Through his marketing tactics, Coke became a giant Soft-drink company. The company products are sold through license Coca-Cola bottlers. The bottlers basically hold contracts to produce the cold drink and package them in cans and bottles using sweeteners and filtered water (Pendergrast, 2000). They are then sold through merchandise Coco-Cola stores and also through the vending machines. The Company also sells soda fountains to the major restaurants and food service distributors across the world. Currently Muhtar Kent is the Chairman and Chief Executive officer of the company. Answer 2 Seeing the trend we conclude that the price of Coca Cola since its incorporation in 1962 has fallen to Rs. 57.16 and then has risen to Rs. 70.71 in 2012. It shows that that the price level is slowly increasing with each passing day. This shows that the company is performing well. Seeing the trend we can tell that since the initial date of Incorporation in the year 1977, there has been a downward trend in the price level of the stock due to major economic downturn faced by US. From the year 2010 to 2012 the price level has risen. It also shows that the price level is rising and the company is earning profit. Answer 3 Two Major events of PepsiCo In February 2011, PepsiCo acquired two-third stake in Wi mm-Bill-Dann Foods. It is a Russian juice producer and Dairy company. Through this PepsiCo increased its stake in the company by 1.37% by buying 601.948 WBD shares. Thus they acquired overall 98.63% stake in the company. PepsiCo had to pay 3.884 roubles per share and also $32.7 per depository receipt. With this acquisition, PepsiCo has expanded their market positioning and hence it has given them a competitive leading position in the market. The share price increased as a result of the acquisition. In February 2012, Indra Nooyi took the decision of restructuring the company by cutting down 8,700 jobs. It equalled to roughly 3% of PepsiCo’s global workforce. This enabled them to increase the amount they allocated to the branding activities. PepsiCo was facing increased costs in their operation. The company first wanted to increase the prices of their products at first. But then they recognized the fact that consumer may not accept the price rise. Hence they started to do the r estructuring plan. Pepsi made the tough decisions because they expected that the companies will face higher input cost of the raw materials as compared to other previous years. Indra Nooyi the CEO of PepsiCo said that the reduction will affect over 30 countries. There major reason was that they wanted to increase the allocation towards the branding activities like advertising, marketing etc. They wanted to increase the expenditure from $ 500 million to $ 600 million in the year 2012. Their major focus was on North America, where they wanted to invest about $100 million in displays, storing racks etc.Indra Nooyi pointed out that by doing this restructuring PepsiCo wanted to save about $1.5 billion by 2013. They took this step because of economic uncertainty which
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Biased Elementary Reading Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Biased Elementary Reading Programs - Essay Example Ganji argues for more inclusive diversity in the texts, illustrations, writers, and the role of mentors in the array of children's books that are recommended for elementary libraries and classrooms. Ganji illustrates the importance of viewing one's own culture in a book by telling the story of Bebot, a Philippine student that had read a copy of a book that reflected his own cultural heritage. Ganji noted that this was a "mirror book", a book that reflected his own self through the location of the setting, the characters, and the illustrations (30). While the author stated that mirror books were essential for young readers to be able to relate to the story, she stated that "Unfortunately, classroom collections too often provide more mirror books for White children than for children of color". The availability of mirror books commonly available simply does not reflect the diverse classrooms that exist today. The author pointed out two deficiencies in the system that are at the core of the problem; leveled reading lists and awards. Fountas and Pinnell rate and append lists of elementary readers by reading level. It is one of the most widely used lists used to create libraries for use by young readers. Yet, Ganji has found that "authors of color are represented about 1 percent", an insignificant number when compared to the population's color diversity. In addition to leveled reading lists, teachers and educators often take recommendations from books that have won awards. Here again, the author points to the deficiency of multicultural material available. Though there are multicultural awards given to books, most educators gravitate towards the more prestigious Caldecott and Newbery awards. The author noted that libraries ordered the winner of the Caldecott award twice as often as the winner of the Coretta Scott King award.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Essay Example for Free
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Essay Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (ni e Godwin; 1797-1851), English novelist, daughter of the British philosopher and novelist William Godwin and the British author and feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. Mary was born in London. Her mother died ten days after her birth. Her father had many literary friends, and Marys childhood was populated by such figures as William Hazlitt, Charles Lamb, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In 1812, Percy Bysshe Shelley and his wife Harriet joined their circle. Before Mary was 17, she and Shelley were meeting secretly by her mothers grave in St Pancras churchyard. After Shelleys separation from Harriet in 1814, he and Mary eloped to the Continent. In the eight years before the poets death, the couple lived an unconventional life, moving between Italy, England, and Switzerland, part of a bohemian set that included the poets John Keats and Lord Byron. Harriet Shelleys suicide in December 1816 allowed Mary and Percy to marry. They had four children together, but only one, Percy Florence, survived his parents. The loss of their first child affected Mary profoundly, and seems to have shaped the themes of her first novel, Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus (1818). Mary Shelley conceived this story in 1816, while staying on Lake Geneva as the guest of Byron. According to her introduction to the novel, their host challenged his guests to write a ghost story, and Frankenstein was the product of its authors unusually vivid nightmare. In combining Gothic terrors with extreme physical realism and a basis in the sciences of biology and electricity, Shelley founded the genre of science fiction. The novel is the story of Victor Frankenstein, a medical student who constructs a living being from the remains of dissecting-room corpses. Victors experiments dramatize the morality of the act of creation itself. He explains: I collected bones from charnel- houses; and disturbed, with profane fingers, the tremendous secrets of the human frame. Horrified by the result of his project, Frankenstein abandons the Creature, who wanders the countryside, tormented by his total isolation from humanity. The Creature persuades his creator to construct a second, female being, but Victor dismembers this before it can be brought to life. In revenge, the Creature murders Frankensteins bride. A chase across the world then ensues, Victor determining to pursue the di mon who caused this misery until he or I shall perish in mortal conflict. The Creature, despite his monstrosity, is an intensely tragic figure, and Shelley effects an uncanny merging of its personality with that of Victor, who considers it my own vampire, my own spirit let loose from the grave. A critical and popular success, the book was dedicated to William Godwin. After her husbands death in 1822, Shelley returned to England, where she settled with her son. She was granted a small allowance by her father-in-law, Sir Timothy Shelley, but this was temporarily withdrawn when she published Percy Bysshe Shelleys Posthumous Poems (1824). She spent much time editing and annotating her late husbands work, but, owing to Sir Timothys opposition, she was unable to publish the Poetical Works until 1839. Shelley published five other novels. Valperga (1823) is a romance of 14th-century Italy. The Last Man (1826) is an apocalyptic fantasy in which humanity is destroyed by plague. Set in a republican Britain of the year 2073, it traces the effects of global catastrophe on a small group of characters and their wider environment. The final section of the book sees its narrator, Lionel Verney, living in the ruins of a decimated Rome. The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck (1830) is a historical drama much influenced by the novels of Sir Walter Scott. Lodore (1835) and Falkner (1837) are domestic stories with strongly autobiographical elements. Another novel, Mathilda (1819), which tells the story of an incestuous relationship between a father and daughter, remained unpublished until 1959. Financing her sons private education, Mary Shelley continued to write essays and short fiction for periodicals such as the Keepsake. Between 1835 and 1838 she produced a series of scholarly biographies for the Lardners Cabinet Cyclopi dia series. The death of Sir Timothy Shelley in 1844 brought a new-found security to her life, but her closing years were troubled by threats of blackmail from embittered members of the Shelley and Byron families. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Everything that rises must converge study guide :: essays research papers
Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O’Connor Plot Structure – I felt that most of the exposition took place in the beginning of the first page. For the rest of the story there was mostly rising action. Then, I felt that the climax came when Julian sees his mother crumple to the ground. The falling action and resolution are packaged together in the last couple paragraphs. Character Terms:      Julian – Protagonist, Round, Dynamic                Julian’s Mother – Antagonist, Round, Static                Woman on Bus – Foil Character, Flat, Static Characterization: Most of the characterization is indirect. We learn about these characters mostly by their action and their dialogue. However, there is some direct characterization when the narrator tells us of what has shaped the mother into what she is today. Point of View - Third Person Omniscient Irony – The is situational irony in that Julian acts the way he does to spite his mother and he is glad to see her get â€Å"taught a lesson,†but actually this is what kills her. Setting – The setting definitely played a role in this story. It is referenced to a few times throughout the story when the mother is telling Julian how fortunate he is to live in the neighborhood they do. We can also tell that this is an area where racial tension is still high among some of the people. The time that the story takes place is also very important because it is around the time of desegregation. Symbolism – The Green Hat in the story symbolized the equality of the two women. Themes –      The struggle with the younger generation vs. the older generation           The issue of dealing with the conformities of society           Feeling regret after the loss of a loved one. Important Quotes – Pg. 348 â€Å"Help, help!’ he shouted, but his voice was thin, scarcely a thread of sound. The lights drifted farther away the faster he ran and his feet moved numbly as if they carried him nowhere.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Readiness of Kindergarten Teachers along K-12 Curriculum Essay
One of the major reforms in our country’s educational system is Republic Act 10157, otherwise known as â€Å"The Kindergarten Education Law†or the K to12 (K+12). This Law made the Kindergarten compulsory and mandatory entry to basic education. This Law was initiated by the Aquino administration in order to address the perceived decreasing quality of education in the country, and to meet the international standard regarding the number of years in basic education. This program will require all incoming students to enroll into two more years of basic education. The K+12 System will include the Universal kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, 4 years of junior high school with an additional 2 years for senior high school. The program is implemented and formulated along with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). The current k-12 model that had been implemented in the country is an educational landscape for basic and secondary system patterned after the United States, Canada and some parts of Australia had done it. According to Patricia. Velasco’s article, the K- 12 Curriculum envisions â€Å"holistically developed learners with 21st century skills†(DepEd Primer, 2011). This further means that every student would have an understanding of the world around him and a passion for life-long learning while addressing every student’s basic learning needs: â€Å"learning to learn, the acquisition of numeracy, literacy, and scientific and technological knowledge applied to daily life†(p. 6). The main objective of the K to 12 curriculum is to achieve the DepEd’s goal of eradicating illiteracy rate in the country. â€Å"No child is left behind. †(source). Every Filipino has the right to receive quality education in order to become an asset in all dimensions, competent, efficient, effective and productive citizen leading to a decent and comfortable living. The most interesting part concerning the K to 12 program is on its practical assistance for the poor but skillful students. For instance, the student cannot afford to go to college; he is given an option or privilege to be employed not as a professional but on technical job because his skills acquired and developed during his Senior High School can be a guarantee for his qualification for a vocational employment. Moreover, the program aims to uplift the quality of education in the Philippines in order for graduates to be easily employed. Our country is the only country in Asia and among the countries in the world that has a 10 year pre- university program. The program also aims to meet the standards required for professionals who would want to work abroad. The system aims to fully enhance and develop the students in order for them to be well-prepared especially in emotional and cognitive aspects. Through this, graduates will be able to face the pressures of their future workplace. The K-12 aims the students to have a relevance or importance in the social and economic reality of life. The realm of their role as members of the country. Thus, this vision will be complete through an enhanced curriculum. (K-12 Kindergarten Curriculum Guide 2013) DepEd said that this is the right time to do something better for the field of education, having poor quality education. The DepEd released their stand along the reform. In stressing the need for the new system of basic education, President Benigno S. Aquino III said, â€Å"We need to add two years of our basic education. Those who can afford pay up to fourteen years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting to the best universities and the best jobs after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to give them an even chance at succeeding. †(source) With the K-12 program, different arguments were formulated. Not all are in favor of the K+12 Education program. There are students complaining of the additional years and there are parents who are not in favor of the additional expenses. But it is an undeniable fact that additional years in the education system will really require more budgets not just from the government but from the parents as well. Aside from this, students will need additional classrooms, school supplies and facilities. The program would need more qualified teachers as well. Teachers plays an important role 1 / 3 in the K-12 program because they are the ones who will teach the kindergarten pupils, especially the Pre – school teachers. Markovac & Rogulja, 2009, stated that the, early care main goal is to fulfill the Delors principles: â€Å"Learning to be, learning to do, learning to know and learning to live together and to live with others. †The early childhood is a time of rapid growth in all aspects of children’s development fostered by their natural curiosity and adult support. Therefore, Preschool education is the foundation for a child’s education. The skills and knowledge that a child develops in the preschool years will have a dramatic impact on a child’s success when formal schooling begins as well as life success. Preschool education is important because it can give your child the edge in a competitive world and education climate. The first year of a child’s life is globally acknowledged to be the critical year for lifelong development because the pace of development during these years is extremely rapid (National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006 as cited in the K to 12 Curriculum Guide – Kindergarten). While children who do not receive the fundamentals during their preschool years will be taught the alphabet, counting, shapes and colors when they begin their formal education they will be behind the children who already possess that knowledge and skill set. The Pre – school teachers are supposed to have the courage and knowledge to teach the little ones. They will serve as the guide and the second mother at school. Children’s learning will greatly depend on the teachers strategies. Hence, kindergarten teachers should provide them with an engaging and creative curriculum that is developmentally – appropriate, age – appropriate and socio – cul;turally appropriate (DepEd K to 12 Curriculum guide for Kindergaten, 2012). Many new parents start hearing about K-12 since before their kids are born. However, they are not very clear about what K12 means, and why is necessary for them to start inform themselves about it as it will impact their kids’ future. What Is K12 Education? This term was coined to describe primary and secondary education. This includes kindergarten (K) all the way to the 12 grade. This extremely popular type of education is very common among several countries around the world. â€Å"K to 12†stands for kindergarten plus 12 years of elementary and secondary education. This educational system for basic and secondary education is widely adopted around the world. Early childhood education is intended to support and complement family upbringing and the main goal is to create good opportunities and conditions for each child’s well-being, create a stimulating environment for the child’s comprehensive development and learning while taking into account their age, gender and individual features. The role of early childhood care and education settings in improving children’s development has begun to be viewed with increasing importance. The recognition that centre-based childcare is associated with a host of positive developmental outcomes for children, such as increased cognitive abilities, language development, and emotional and social development (Kagan & Neuman, 1997; National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Early Childcare Research Network [NICHD], 2000, 2002, 2008; NICHD & Duncan, 2003), has led to the introduction of a new policy in Ireland that provides every three-year-old child with access to a free preschool place for one year (Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs [OMCYA], 2009). The importance of preschool learning is that first, parents must remember that preschool education is the foundation for your child’s education. As Adams (2008) stressed that early childhood education is the key to building a strong foundation for a child’s educational success. The skills and knowledge (not to mention aptitude and attitude) that your child develops in the preschool years will have a dramatic impact on your child’s success when formal schooling begins as well as life success, as supported by the House Bill 5367 (2009), aimed to incorporate preschool education to basic education with the DepEd at the frontier of its implementation all over the country. This bill was in consonance with the state’s policy to provide equal opportunities for all children to avail themselves of free and compulsory preschool education that effectively promotes physical, social, intellectual, emotional simulations, let alone values formation to adequately prepare them for formal elementary schooling, second is that by actively promoting and encouraging your child’s preschool learning you will promote his or her self esteem as well. Help your child gain confidence by making learning fun and easy at this age and you will 2 / 3 help make your child an eager lifelong learner and the finally preschool education is important because it can give your child the edge in a competitive world and education climate. While children who do not receive the fundamentals during their preschool years will be taught the alphabet, counting, shapes and colors when they begin their formal education they will be behind the children who already possess that knowledge and skill set. According to Anita Woolfolk Hoy and Megan Tschannen – Moran ,(2002), teachers’ sense of efficacy has been related to students outcomes such as achievement (Ross, 1992), motivation, (Midgley, Feldlaufer, & Eccles, 1998) and students’ own sense of efficacy ( Anderson, Greene, & Loewen, 1998). DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro stated that enhancing the competencies of pre-school teachers will have a great impact on the young learners. â€Å"We should ensure that teachers are ready for the challenge of making our young kids’ first school experience enjoyable and giving them a positive experience that will motivate them to remain in school and complete their education. †This means that pre-school teachers are the implementers of the socially defined curriculum objectives. They help children to adapt to the society and to become its members, to develop interaction between children and different generations, and absorb the main behavioral habits and roles of the community. Also their task is to educate children to become unique subjects and persons as they truly are (Dewey, 1916; Ojakangas, 1998; Siljander, 2002) To become preschool teachers one must have the ability to deal with pupils ages 5. A preschool teacher needs to be proficient in helping children learn how to cooperate, providing fun learning activities suitable for preschoolers, keeping children safe, working as a team member with other teachers and interacting with parents. Preschool teachers need to be eager participants in children’s growth and development, as well as helping students understand how to use their natural curiosity to help make the appropriate developmental leaps in their skills and abilities. They are expected to create an atmosphere where risks can be taken and discoveries made while children remain safe. POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG). Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Tranisition Into a Global Organization
What marketing considerations do you need to understand as you evolve from a domestic supplier or international distributor to a fully integrated global company? Is it an easy transition or does it demand restructuring of your market functions? There are many factors an organization must consider before and during the transition into a fully integrated global company. Although the transition may not be easy, evaluation of and planning for these considerations will enable an organization to evolve into a strong global organization. During this process of transition from a domestic company to a true global organization, some restructuring of the market functions will have to occur. The traditional marketing model from the seller’s point of view, or the Four â€Å"Ps†of marketing, is based on Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. This model is based on the assumption that the marketplace is driven by manufacturers. According to Schultz and Kitchen (2000), manufactured-driven marketplace has â€Å"evolved†into a distribution-driven market place where major retailers or distributors like Wal-Mart control the marketplace. Schultz and Kitchen (2000) go on to state that the marketplace is continuing to evolve into a newly emerging interactive marketplace brought about by the development of the internet and new e-commerce business applications. In this new interactive marketplace, the consumer interests rule and as a result, manufacturers, according to Schultz and Kitchen (2000) must adjust to consumer needs. This new trend has led to a new marketing model from the consumer’s point of view. This model, called the Four â€Å"Cs†is consumer oriented as opposed to the traditional seller oriented Four â€Å"Ps†model. The Four â€Å"Cs†model of marketing are Customers, Company, Competitors, and Circumstances. The global marketplace, according to Schultz and Kitchen (2000) is a combination of the other three marketplace functions. If this is the case, an organization that wishes to evolve into a fully integrated global company must evaluate the global market based on the Four â€Å"Ps†and the Four â€Å"Cs†and develop a business plan accordingly to the specific marketplace of implementation. What works locally for a domestic organization may not work lobally. Consider the example of the Starbucks Company failure in Australia. According to Patterson, Scott and Uncles (2010), a contributing factor to the failure of Starbucks in the Australian marketplace was that Starbucks tried to bring â€Å"what worked in the US and applying it here (Australia), without really understanding the local market. †Starbucks had an unsustainable business model because the company failed to do the research that would have enabled the company to effectively market its product to the Australian consumer. References Patterson, P. , Scott, J. , & Uncles, M.. (2010). How the local competition defeated a global brand: The case of Starbucks. Australasian Marketing Journal, 18, 41-47. Retrieved from http://proquest. umi. com. ezproxy1. apus. edu/pqdweb? did=2097829591&sid=4&Fmt=3&clientId=62546&RQT=309&VName=PQD Schultz, D. & Kitchen, P.. (2000). Communicating Globally: An integrated marketing approach. Lincolnwood, IL: McGraw-Hill, Inc. Retrieved from http://site. ebrary. com/lib/apus/docDetail. action? docID=10153056
Friday, November 8, 2019
Lady Macbeth As A Catalyst To Evil
Lady Macbeth As A Catalyst To Evil The expression "behind every man, there is a woman,"‚ rings true even in the Shakespearean tragedy Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is the catalyst that ignites the fire to Macbeth's ambition. It is because she challenges his masculinity, questions his love, and belittles his bravery that Macbeth murders Duncan. His lady provides impetus for him to abandon all honorable nature in order to achieve what they both desire. Macbeth would not have murdered Duncan and continued on a downward spiral of evil were it not for the extra push from his ruthless and overly ambitious wife.Macbeth is filled with great hubris. Lady Macbeth plays on this pride when she challenges his masculinity. She goads him by saying, "When you durst do it, then you were a man / [. . .], you would / be so much more the man."‚ (Shakespeare, Macbeth. 1.7.49-51). Lady Macbeth tells her husband to kill Duncan to prove that he is a man, and states how much more of a man he will be as king.The sleepwalking Lady Macbe thEugene M. Waith states in his criticism Manhood and Valor in Macbeth, that "the pangs of Macbeth's conscience [. . .] are no more than effeminate, childish fears to Lady Macbeth."‚ (64) She has a great deal of power over Macbeth; this power is the mere truth that she possesses more of a manly quality that he himself does.Macbeth is ambitious enough to want to become king, but would not think of murdering Duncan. Because Lady Macbeth knows this, she understands the necessity to push Macbeth into performing the deed. She does this by questioning his love for her. " What beast was't then / that made you break this enterprise to me?/ [. . .] I would, while it was smiling in my face, / have plucked my...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How To Take Notes
How To Take Notes It seems that it would be easy to write down stuff in class. That learning how to take notes would be a waste of time. However, the opposite is true. If you learn how to take notes effectively and efficiently, you’ll save yourself hours of study time just by observing a few simple tricks. If you dont like this method, then try out the Cornell System for taking notes! Choose Appropriate PaperThe right paper can mean the difference between complete frustration in class and organized notes. To take notes effectively, choose a sheet of loose, clean, lined paper, preferably college-ruled. There are a couple reasons for this choice:Choosing loose paper to take notes allows you to rearrange your notes in a binder if necessary, lend them easily to a friend, and remove and replace a page if it gets damaged.Using college-ruled paper means that the spaces between the lines are smaller, allowing you to write more per page, which is advantageous when you’re studying a lot of material. It won’t seem as much, and thus, as overwhelming.Use Pencil and Skip LinesNothing will make you more frustrated than taking notes and having to draw arrows from new content to a related idea your teacher was talking about 20 minutes ago. That’s why it’s important to skip lines. If your teacher brings up something new, you’ll have a place to squ eeze it in. And, if you take your notes in pencil, your notes will stay neat if you make a mistake and you won’t have to rewrite everything just to make sense of the lecture. Label Your PageYou don’t have to use a clean sheet of paper for every new note-taking session if you use appropriate labels. Start with the topic of the discussion (for study purposes later), fill in the date, class, chapters associated with the notes and teacher’s name. At the end of your notes for the day, draw a line crossing the page so you’ll have a very clear demarcation of each day’s notes. During the next lecture, use same format so your binder is consistent.Use an Organizational SystemSpeaking of organization, use one in your notes. Many people use an outline (I.II.III. A.B.C. 1.2.3.) but you can use circles or stars or whatever symbols youd like, as long as you stay consistent. If your teacher is scattered and doesn’t really lecture in that format, then just organize new ideas with numbers, so you don’t get one long paragraph of loosely-related content.Listen for ImportanceSome of the stuff your teacher says is irrelevant, but much of it needs remembering. So how do you decipher what to put down in your notes and what to disregard? Listen for importance by picking up dates, new terms or vocabulary, concepts, names, and explanations of ideas. If your teacher writes it down anywhere, he or she wants you to know it. If she talks about it for 15 minutes, she’s gonna quiz you on it. If he repeats it several times in the lecture, you’re responsible. Put Content Into Your Own WordsLearning how to take notes begins with learning how to paraphrase and summarize. You will learn new material better if you put it into your own words. When your teacher waxes wordy about Leningrad for 25 minutes, summarize the main idea into a few sentences you’ll be able to remember. If you try to write everything down word for word, you’ll miss stuff, and confuse yourself. Listen attentively, then write.Write LegiblyIt kind of goes without saying, but I’m gonna say it anyway. If your penmanship has ever been compared to chicken scratch, you better work on it. You’ll thwart your taking notes efforts if you can’t read what you’ve written! Force yourself to write clearly. I guarantee that you will not remember the exact lecture when it comes to exam time, so your notes are often going to be your only lifeline. Note Taking Tips Sit near the front of the class so you dont get distractedBring the appropriate supplies, good college-ruled paper and a pen or pencil that will allow you to write legibly and easily.Keep a folder or binder for every class, so youre more likely to keep your notes organized.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
What is the Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) What is or was its purpose REL WK Essay
What is the Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) What is or was its purpose REL WK 5DQ - Essay Example The person who asked the philosopher to write perhaps lived with him and has seen the wisdom of the author. Therefore the book was primarily written to serve as a guide to readers in how they should live a virtuous life. The circumstances presented relate not only to the intended audience during its writing but also to contemporary readers. This is probably the reason why it is very popular even to this day. It counsels people on how to live with dignity and integrity in a world full of struggles, lies and envy. It also presents arguments about wealth, wisdom and power. The work is full of paradoxes, such as showing the wisdom of rich merchants burying their wealth to show that they have none. The author shows in his book that it is not wealth then, that makes a person what he is but how he deals with what he has. For instance, a wise person who boasts in his wisdom is in fact a fool but a humble person will always find wealth in his life because he is able to live in peace with his neighbors, not endangering his life by letting others know what he
Friday, November 1, 2019
THE MARKETING RESEARCH PROPOSAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
THE MARKETING RESEARCH PROPOSAL - Essay Example The point is how do they manage with such a surrounding?, while conducting a marketing research it becomes quiet clear that culture, language, and food are the major problems, if the University in which the residential students study take steps to bring expected arrangements, these inconveniences will get reduced. The student’s opinion plays a key role in analysing the issues. In accordance with these issues The Wellington Research Council has decided to run business catering to the needs of the Massey University Programs and the overseas students who participate in that, so with the intention to make their business successful the marketing research method has been chosen. A marketing research will best suit for this dissertation because, a marketing research involves the evaluation of collected information, and help us in selecting or choosing a considerable solution to the problem undertaken. This research is done with particular focus on the Massey University Programs and the students of the above University. The study also have many things reviewed, they are the difficulties faced by residential students in managing with the unfamiliar social and political atmosphere, the adjustment issues in spite of the existing disparities and to facilitate the administration of the Universities to assist the students to get by the discrepancies. A survey was undertaken by preparing questionnaires for students who have come form other countries or overseas, based on the responses given, the conclusion was considered that though they might be exposed to a varying atmosphere, they develop a sense of open mindedness towards accepting the diversities and difficulties. But the question of adjustment with a complete convenience remains. The concept of living in a cross cultural surrounding is increasing a lot, particularly among the
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