Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Art of Poetry Essay Example For Students
The Art of Poetry Essay At the point when one contemplates verse the principal thing you may consider is the unpredictability of verse. Ordinarily I think individuals fear abstract works, for example, verse and excuse verse since they see It as excessively convoluted. Numerous individuals dont Like to peruse things that really expect them to consider the content and regard them muddled in light of the fact that they dont need to set aside the effort to perceive what the creator is attempting to state. Nonetheless, if they somehow happened to take as much time as is needed and dismember the sonnet they would find that verse isnt as muddled as it appears. We will compose a custom paper on The Art of Poetry explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now They may likewise observe the excellence in verse and cap regardless of who you are there is a sonnet some place you can identify with. Verse Is not clear and that Is something I for one love about It due to its profundity, which I find delightful. Indeed, even the most unpleasant sonnets I feel are as yet excellent as a result of the manner in which they are composed particularly with the utilization of symbolism, similitudes, and comparisons. So to me verse is a work of art Just as an artworks, tunes, or movies are fine arts. Its a method to communicate sentiments and feelings that have been evoked by some second in ones life. Similarly as a melody or film, verse is intricate and could mean something other than what's expected to every individual that understands It. Commonly when you initially read a sonnet you dont know precisely what the writer Is stating and regularly your first reaction isn't really the right one. This was the situation for me when perusing Elegy for Jane by Theodore Rotted. At the point when I originally read the sonnet I pondered his understudy that had died, Jane, and that he in certainty was infatuated with this understudy based off the line: Over this soggy grave I express the expressions of my adoration (20). In the wake of promoting perusing this sonnet anyway I as bothered with this examination since I might Want to figure you would not depict somebody you are enamored with as having hair that Is limp and clammy as rings (1) or a sidelong pickerel grin (2). I likewise was confused by all the utilization of nature when utilizing symbolism and thought it was striking and that Rotted had done this which is as it should be. So after further investigation I accept that Rotted isn't truly discussing Jane however nature and the existence cycle. I feel for the creator Jane speaks to the magnificence and multifaceted nature of life and that when her demise happened It made the creator indication about mortality and how she was youthful and her passing was untimely in this manner it challenged the creators thought that passing happens in the wake of maturing. This investigation is an ideal case of the intricacy of verse and how it could mean various things to various individuals. One of my preferred things about verse Is the creators capacity to utilize unmistakable language to paint an image In your mind. By and by utilizing Reroutes Elegy for Jane two of my preferred lines in the sonnet are Her tune trembling the twigs and little branches (6) and The shade sang with her (7). The explanation I love these lines is cause it truly illustrates how Jane was as an understudy while additionally binds her to the regular world. Jane was magnificent and affected everyone around her and even the adverse individuals Joined It with her joy. The creator could have effortlessly come directly out and said Jane was an enjoyment and caused others around her to feel the wasnt generally so cheerful and this is apparent when Rotted says, Oh, when she was tragic, she case herself down into such an unadulterated profundity (10). I feel this is a method of saying that when Jane was miserable her trouble expended her and she was lost inside it. Those are Just a couple of the elucidating language Rotted utilized all through his writing so as to breath life into the story. I love that verse is an outlet for feelings. .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .postImageUrl , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:hover , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:visited , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:active { border:0!important; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:active , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:hover { haziness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .focused content region { width: 100%; position: r elative; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enhancement: underline; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-improvement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ue961835e ee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Reader reaction to Dorothy Butler's Cushla EssayKnowing that this isnt Just a fiction story and that it is an aftereffect of a genuine occasion in somebody life makes An Elegy for Jane all the more fascinating to me. For some, individuals saying that the creator was not in adoration with Jane and that she was in reality just Reroutes understudy addresses the beginning of the sonnet. For me anyway I think it bodes well due to individual experience. My view is that you dont need to realize an individual to be influenced here and there regardless of whether the effect is insignificant. This occurs as I would see it frequently . In the event that somebody passed on and the family couldn't bear the cost of the memorial service gifts might be made so as to support the family. Numerous detonators may not have the foggiest idea about the person in question or casualties family straightforwardly yet are rather influenced by the casualties passing. I have faith it might be said that is what's going on in this sonnet. I think when Jane kicked the bucket it evoked some feeling in Rotted and made him question the pattern of life and mortality. This was apparent to me when he creator expressed, l, without any rights in this issue (21). The creator is stating he has no privilege to be moved by Canes awkward demise since he is just her educator and he didnt realize her all around ok to have that right. Be that as it may, he was influenced by her demise and along these lines the sonnet was composed. All things considered, I think Theodore Reroutes An Elegy for Jane Is an incredible portrayal of the possibility that verse is an artistic expression and is Just as unpredictable, delightful, and expressive as any tune or bit of fine art. This kind of keeping in touch with me is a craftsmanship all by itself.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Have People Become Overly Dependent on Technology? Essay
Since we, as a general public, are grasping innovation without completely understanding the drawn out consequences of this choice. We’re continually searching out transient additions and upgrades without truly thinking about the entire picture for people in the future. PCs are extraordinary, don’t misunderstand me. They are awesome instruments that help many improve their life, get more data, and at long last, ideally improve, progressively educated choices. These better educated choices ideally lead to better lives (for individuals) or better incomes and expanded benefits (for organizations). Be that as it may, PCs are not generally the correct decision, in any event, when they seem to give an answer for a current issue. As a device, a PC is a valuable guide. It has helped draftsmen and engineers plan and give increasingly solid, fascinating structures and structures. It permits us to part iotas, and arrange human genomes. It can remove mystery from business knowledge and item request bends. It even permits us to trade cash as bits and bytes rather than genuine paper cash evolving hands. Be that as it may, as an establishment for a significant enconomic column in our nation, I think we’re pushing the envelope of rational reasoning. There is nothing of the sort as an unhackable PC framework. There is nothing of the sort as a day in and day out/365 PC framework (notwithstanding what a few organizations guarantee). What's more, until there is, placing the entirety of your eggs into an electronic future appears to be somewhat foolish to me. Envision a force blackout. You know, the thoughtful we had only a couple of years back on our as far as anyone knows present day power lattice. The thoughtful that isn’t expected to occur. The caring that brought a whole bank of our nation coming to a standstill. That’s fine, you state, those things are crack events, and happen once in for a spell. Like the California power outages of a couple of years prior. In any case, as our hunger for power increments, and our foundation neglects to stay up with it (and it truly is not even close to staying up with it †it is far fetched the U. S. has enough save power supplies without taking advantage of our neighbors from the north during top utilization periods). Presently, rather than simply going a couple of days without power, envision a whole society without power. Might it be able to occur? For a couple of days, sure. In any case, for half a month or significantly longer Who knows? The inquiry in my psyche isn’t if something like this is conceivable, however essentially when. Presently, fifty years back, planners and specialists could continue working, since they utilized their drafting sheets and chart paper to make the structures that hold us up. The NYSE could continue running utilizing classic paper and pencil, much the same as they did at that point. Residents could utilize money rather than charge or platinum cards to pay for merchandise and enterprises. The fact of the matter is, fifty years back, I figure society could without much of a stretch endure and defeat a slip by in power in any event, for an extensive stretch of time. It was badly arranged, yet the nuts and bolts of every day life (and the essentials of our economy! didn’t rely upon power being solid and plenteous. The entirety of that has changed. I speculate some new modelers wouldn’t realize how to structure a 50-story expanding on paper (without help of a CAD program), or a specialist who needed to analyze a patient without the dependence on requesting 10 or 15 lab test s. Or on the other hand a legislator who couldn’t depend on moment surveying methods. Or on the other hand residents who needed to turn to perusing their news, rather than viewing in on TV. Or on the other hand a significant stock trade not having the option to work since generators were never intended to be utilized full-time, inconclusively. As an apparatus, I think PCs are the cat’s whimper. In any case, as this something more they’ve become, this incorporated part that such a large number of individuals have gotten needy upon, I am at times somewhat stressed or concerned. We accept we live in a to a great extent stable world, with basically unlimited supplies of characteristic assets. But then that conviction isn’t grounded actually †we live in a constrained asset world where, at some point (maybe in some of our’s future), a portion of those assets might just run out or diminish essentially. So it’s a basic condition: restricted future characteristic assets implies constrained supplies of power, the stuff that controls our cutting edge world. PS †Yes, I know, I know, let’s place our faith on sunlight based or atomic, on the grounds that they’ve demonstrated such a great amount of guarantee to date! Normally, a ton can change during my lifetime, however we’ve all been hanging tight for an achievement in vitality creation for quite a long time and none has come. Atomic was the last enormous one with business acknowledgment, and that was grown over 50 years back! †¢Mankind has had devices since the start of written history and that is all innovation. We are an animal that can take care of issues by making physical arrangements and that is to a limited extent what makes us unique in relation to most creatures, however not all. Is unsettling that we have such a large number of conditions on innovation and enormous frameworks that we can not fix or re-make without any problem. †¢Yes, we are getting excessively subject to innovation. The vast majority of us can’t spell accurately. Why? Spell checking programming. We have gotten apathetic. Why? Transport offices. Innovation isn't awful in itself, yet we, the individuals of 21st century, are abusing it. We have got inactive and accordingly sicknesses which were obscure 200 years prior have currently got typical. †¢No, we are not as an animal types excessively subordinate upon innovation as it stands today. As we have made the devices which prompted innovation, we have likewise realized why it is they will and are vital †our recollections bomb us, so we need a record to address us or to gain from or modify; what is upon a PC isn't written in stone, it might be changed. This is a liquid perspective that was obscure to past ages; a consistently changing â€Å"evolution of thought†. It is over every one of the a nonpartisan instrument to speak with those of our own nation in with others, we need this in a world with a populace in regularly expanding billions. †¢People will consistently be required and needed for eye to eye collaboration, however where that is beyond the realm of imagination; innovation saves those binds and permits us to connect for additional helper. Spelling and language are regularly evolving fields; it isn't obscure for the individuals of one nation to communicate in numerous dialects and still be residents conceived of that society †yet not have a typical tongue among them. Accents, even the words and slang can and will change inside less then an age. Innovation is permitting us to â€Å"keep up†with those changes, get them, and furthermore making new ones; additionally we are aware of debacles not long after they occur, if not as they occur; sparing existences of individuals simply like us; who while they probably won't have our way of life or language, are none the less human. While there are new sicknesses, inquire as to whether they are genuinely â€Å"new†or something that past ages attempted to get by against and convey to free ourselves as well as other people of; and fizzled, on the grounds that they didn't have the innovation we are growing currently to see how an illness functions and how to free ourselves. Unquestionably †another purpose behind it is that individuals are utilizing it to express awful things with the goal that they don’t need to express it to the person’s face, as digital tormenting for instance. †¢Yes generally, yet there are the individuals who have minor hints o f innovation reliance. Notwithstanding we can see of the individuals in urban territories where innovation is the â€Å"life blood†of living element, some edge of the nation †the country/remote regions, then again, have no or slight innovation ran lives. They despite everything live in a crudely where there are no PCs, cellphones, and so on and where they work with uncovered hands and exposed feet. Innovation is presently rising, making our lives part increasingly simple, however shouldn't something be said about the â€Å"behind the world†? †¢Yes! The one day our school power went out we could scarcely accomplish any work on the grounds that our Smartboard went out with the force. I mean even right now we are on the PC searching for answers as opposed to making sense of ourselves. So what happens when we come up short on coal and oil and so much stuff: no more innovation! We should manage without it. A few people will do consummately well without it. Others will look til' the very end to discover another asset. Tragically the individuals who search til' the very end will have recently squandered as long as they can remember on something inconceivable. Perhaps in the event that somebody does it won’t keep going long. It’s just a single asset. In the event that somebody designs that I hearby exhort against it! Presently get off the PC and accomplish something without innovation! †¢First thing †is it electrical innovation you’re on about, or innovation when all is said in done? We utilize general innovation every minute of every day. We use results of that innovation all day, every day. We likewise utilize electrical tech all day, every day. We have gotten dependant on it, yes. It has made us idiotic, lethargic, it has transformed us a great deal. In any case, from a basic force cut, as with the thing over, that sort of thing ought not occur. That is over-dependance even by present day norms, most likely. We have incorporated a wide range of innovation into each second of lives. In any case, it’s not terrible. It’s simply the way some utilization it that’s awful. Don’t realize how to spell in view of spell-checking? Really awful, mate, that’s your flaw. Ought to figure out how to spell without it. I can spell without it. I can spell truly well without it. Why can’t you? (Not to state YOU can’t spell†¦ however who knows? ) The primary issue from it, however, is likely lethargy. Why walk when you can bounce in the vehicle? Why play football, or rugby, or badminton outside when you can play Red Dead Redemption, or watch the Undead Nightmare story on Youtube? Be that as it may, I play outside. What's more, get a lot of time to play PS3 and watch stuff on Youtube. What's more, type stuff up on Wikianswers while I sho
Friday, August 21, 2020
10 Foods Higher in Potassium Than a Banana
10 Foods Higher in Potassium Than a Banana Potassium is an important mineral for your body.It helps in the distribution of nutrients to your cells, maintains balanced blood pressure, and enhances proper muscle as well as nerve functioning.Whats fascinating is that potassium plays a key role in every single heartbeat.One hundred thousand times every day, it assists in triggering your heart to squeeze blood throughout your entire body. Asides from this it also helps your kidneys in the filtering of blood.In order to keep your body in its healthy state the recommended intake of potassium is 4700 mg, however, a lot of people do not get enough of it due to their diets.Hence, most people (including you and I) have had to turn to bananas which typically contain 422 mg of potassium, just to get the necessary amount of potassium our body needs.However, even though bananas are high in potassium there are other sources of high potassium that we often neglect.Lets be real though, your default mindset is to grab a banana whenever you feel youre down on your required potassium intake.As a matter of fact, right now you could be having a hard time trying to think of other potassium sources in your kitchen cabinet.After going through this article, youll be able to find a potassium alternative to bananas at the snap of your fingers, as there are numerous veggies and fruits that provide your body with more than the 9% bananas offer your system.Before we have a look at 10 of them let’s see what benefits potassium provides your body with in the first place.BENEFITS OF POTASSIUMPotassium is among the seven vital macro minerals and your body requires 100 milligrams of potassium daily in order for it to keep certain key processes functioning.However, a recent health survey reported that less than 2% of people in the United States measure up to the daily required potassium at 4700 mg.Whats more, women were even found to consume less intake of potassium than men.Now its important to state that there are numerous potassium supp lements available but it is best practice to get your mineral or vitamins through natural foods.Why? Well, natural foods contain a combined working effort of a variety of nutrients and not just one. Even though potassium is great, your body cant survive on that alone.So before we dive into the various foods that will give your body a higher percentage of potassium more than bananas lets see some of the benefits of potassium and why your body needs it.Potassium offers immense health benefits to your body system. Potassium is an electrolyte that resists and reverses the effects of sodium, which will help your body to maintain constant blood pressure; this is why low potassium levels are dangerous to your health.Furthermore, potassium is vital to maintaining a base and acid balance in your body. A base is an in-dissolved alkali.Prevents high-blood pressure and maintains cardiovascular health. Low potassium intake has been linked repeatedly with cardiovascular challenges and high-blood pressure.This is why maintenance of low sodium intake, as well as the required daily intake of potassium, is vital for your health.To reduce the risk of cardiovascular health challenges, all you need is an increase in your daily intake of potassium alongside a decrease in your sodium intake.In a particular study carried out, it was found that people who had a 4,069 mg intake of potassium daily had a 49% less chance of dying from ischemic heart diseases in comparison to those whose daily intake was just 1000 mg daily.Potassium keeps your body’s alkaline environment balanced.Foods rich in potassium maintain your bodys alkaline environment, as opposed to foods which trigger metabolic acidosis.Foods which trigger metabolic acidosis include processed cereal grains, meat, and dairy products.This is necessary because acidosis causes a reduction of bone mineral density as well as muscle wasting. A potassium-rich diet can assist preserve your muscle mass, especially if youre a senior.A sur vey done showed how participants with a 5266 mg intake of potassium daily had 3.6 pounds more of lean tissue mass in comparison with people who had a potassium intake which was 50% lower.Now let’s have a look at:THE 10 ALTERNATIVE FOODS FOR POTASSIUM1. AvocadosAvocados have become very popular. According to recent studies carried out by the United Nations FAO, there was a global production of 5.46 million tons of avocado in 2016, which was a 28% rise from five years before that.Whats more, global production is predicted to hit 6.42 million tons at the end of 2019.The United States hasnt been excused from the avocado hype as the nation experienced a double increase in per-capita consumption from 2006 to 2015.This trend is for a good reason. Stuffed with nutritious fats, avocados provide a great source of folate and vitamin K.When you cut an avocado in half, one half of it contains 10% of your adequate or 487 mg of potassium.Furthermore, when you eat a whole avocado you satisfy 20% of the recommended potassium daily requirement at a go.Asides from this, if you have high blood pressure, and have been advised to reduce sodium intake and increase your potassium, avocado is an excellent choice.Its sodium content is very low providing only 0.5% of your required sodium intake.2. Sweet Potatoes and Potatoes Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of potassium and have become quite popular as avocados and are a great alternative to potatoes.As seen in the chart below they surpass rice and even whole grains in fulfilling the required quota of potassium needed by your body. Source: DietvsdiseaseOne average sized sweet potato provides you with 541 mg and which is over 11% of your required potassium intake.Additionally, these root vegetables are low in fat and have a sizable quantity of protein alongside fiber and complex carbohydrates.To have a balanced diet with the recommended potassium intake, just pair sweet potatoes with dark greens, meat or beans.Now concerning potatoes, they are one of the best, if not the best dietary sources of potassium. A recent study stated how a small baked potato gives the body 738 mg of potassium which is about 16% of the adequate intake.However, keep in mind that there are so many varieties of potatoes in existence, so the potassium content largely depends on the soil they grow in.3. Spinach Remember when you were a kid and your parents told you how nutritious spinach was and forced you to eat it when you just wanted that candy bar for dinner?I certainly do.It was for a good cause.Spinach is one of the most nutrient-packe d vegetables you can get. A single 156 grams cup of spinach possesses 12% of your required potassium intake or 540 mg.Whats more, this same serving size provides your body with 725% of the required daily intake of vitamin K, 29% of magnesium, 57% of folate and 366% of vitamin A.You might want to go for raw spinach instead of frozen spinach, as just 100 grams of raw spinach provides the expected 12% RDI.Its important to note that it may look a bit bigger than frozen spinach but its actually less in grams, so do not increase it thinking its little.This is important because of the health challenges excess potassium intake can cause. When you take more than the recommended 4700 mg, if your kidneys are completely functional, it can get rid of your bodys excess potassium amount by passing it out through urine.However, excess potassium consumption could be harmful to you if your kidney isnt fully functional as it is responsible for hyperkalemia.This is a condition where your kidneys wont b e able to get rid of the necessary amount of potassium needed to be removed from the body.Hyperkalemia can be very dangerous if it isnt tackled on time.Even though most times it is a symptomless condition, when symptoms are present they range from heart palpitations, chest pain to shortness of breath.To prevent this ensure you gauge your raw spinach daily intake, by monitoring your potassium level to make sure it isnt high.So whats a high potassium level? Anything from 5.1 to 6.0 mmol/L is high and needs immediate control and monitoring.If your potassium level gets above 6.0mmol/L theres cause for alarm and it must be reduced urgently.Besides the risk associated with excess intake in comparison to bananas, spinach offers your body more potassium per serving, so its a great alternative to bananas.Just ensure you stick to your bodys required daily intake.4. Watermelon Recent findings have shown that the recommended intake of potassium lowers the risk of total mortality by 20%. It also lowers blood pressure, prevents muscle mass loss, restricts kidney stone formation and reduces the risk of stroke.This is why getting the best sources for potassium is necessary, and one of such sources is watermelons.When you consume just two wedges of watermelon your body receives 640 mg of potassium which is over 13% of your adequate intake.Whats more, the nutritious contents of the same serving size of a watermelon include 44 grams of carbs, 0.8 grams of fat, and 3.4 grams of protein as well as 2.2 grams of fiber.It also provides a great source of magnesium as well as vitamin C and A.5. Coconut Water Coconut water is a refreshing and hydrating drink. Not just does it make you feel like youre relaxing on a beach in Hawaii, it’s a powerful alternative to energy drinks.Due to its natural sugars, when you exercise it provides your body with energy during the exercise process and restores lost glycogen stores as well after youre done exercising.Why is this important? Well, potassi um is used up when you engage in rigorous physical activity as it is excreted through sweat and this requires it to be replaced when you are done.When you rigorously workout for two hours or more you lose between 300 to 800 mg of potassium, according to research carried out by USA Today. This can easily be replaced by one and a half cup of coconut water.A single 240 ml cup of coconut water gives your body 13% of the adequate intake which is 600 mg. Additionally, its a great source of sodium, calcium, manganese, and magnesium.6. White and Black Beans Lets start with white beans. White beans refer to lima beans, navy beans or cannellini.Even though bananas are known for their great potassium content, a single cup of white beans contains double the potassium quantity of one banana.With one cup of white beans providing your body with 828 mg of potassium, this totals to 18% of your adequate intake.Thats amazingSurprisingly, the best potassium source you can get is white beans, as a singl e cup fulfills 1/4 of your daily recommended intake.Additionally, the same serving size gives your body between 28-61% of your required daily intake for the various vitamins B.Whats more, they are an excellent source for plant-based protein and iron.White beans can also be very satisfying as 1 cup contains 19g of fiber.Black beans, on the other hand, have less potassium than white beans, but they are still a powerful source of potassium for your body. 172 grams of black beans provides your body with 611 mg which is 13% of your adequate intake.Also known as turtle beans, they contain phytates which lower your bodys capacity to absorb minerals, hence, it restricts the amount of potassium that can be put to use, despite the intake.Its best practice in use is to soak black beans overnight in order to reduce its phytates content.You can use them to make burritos or soups.Black beans are also a great source of dietary fiber and vegetarian protein, alongside a huge list of various other he alth boosters, such as iron prosperous, magnesium, calcium, copper, antioxidants, zinc, and manganese.7. Edamame These are traditionally eaten in Japan. They are immature soybeans and also have more potassium in a single cup than a whole banana just like white beans.As a matter of fact, one cup offers 676 mg which is more than 14% of your adequate intake. Amongst numerous other nutrients, they also possess per cup 121% of the required daily intake for folate.Edamame beans are certainly one of the proven best plant-based protein sources globally because they possess every necessary micronutrient that our bodies need for muscle growth.You can prepare them in different ways but they taste really good, roasted with a dash of salt.Asides from this they are an excellent source for magnesium. Vitamin K, and manganese.8. Tomato Paste Tomato paste is gotten from peeled and deseeded cookies tomatoes. It adds great flavor to all tomato-based dishes and sauces.Asides from this they are also an excellent source of potassium. Just three tablespoons of tomato paste contain 10% of the adequate intake. Tomato paste also contains lycopene which is a plant compound and vitamin C.However, when picking out tomato paste, ensure you avoid ones that have added sugars, preservatives or additives. The best ones are ones with limited ingredients, which keep it closest to its natural form.As seen in the chart under sweet potatoes above pasta doesnt have much potassium to offer your body compared to tomato paste, so one of the best ways to increase your potassium intake when you have a pasta craving is to dd tomato sauce on it.If youre a pizza lover then you should request for extra tomato sauce on your pizza as well.These make for a great alternative to bananas for those who love tomato based dishes.9. Butternut Squash Technically termed a fruit, Butternut Squash is prepared like you would a root vegetable. Known for its sweet taste, one cup of this winter squash can provide your body w ith 582 mg of potassium.582 mg of potassium is more than 12% of your adequate intake, which makes it a powerful source for potassium. It is also a fantastic vitamin C and A source and possesses tiny amounts of vitamins B and vitamin R as well as magnesium.You can prepare this fruit in a number of ways; steamed, roasted, diced into soups, or boiled. Whatever method you use in preparing it, you can be assured it is a great way to achieve your potassium required daily intake.10. Beets or BeetrootBeets are veggies, usually deep-purple in color, and can be added to salads, picked or boiled when preparing for consumption.If youve been searching for a liquid alternative to bananas to fulfill your RDI of potassium, beetroot is an excellent choice.170 grams or a single cup of boiled beets can provide you with 518 mg of potassium which gives you 11% of your adequate intake.Also if your purpose for seeking an increase in potassium is due to high blood pressure, beets are the best option.This d eep-purple root veggie contains certain nitrates that after their conversion to nitric oxide have been seen to improve the overall health of the heart and support blood vessel function.Whats more, they are a great source of folate which provides 34% of the required daily intake in 170 grams serving.WHY IS POTASSIUM NECESSARY FOR YOUR BODY? Potassium is such an important necessity for your body and you literally cant do without it. Every vital organ of your body works with potassium in one way or another.Take for example your blood pressure. Potassium helps this aspect of your body function by assisting your kidneys to eliminate excess sodium by ejecting it out through urine.This is an important thing because excess sodium is responsible for causing high blood pressure.Secondly, potassium is responsible for your blood vessels walls tightening or loosing up.In circumstances when they are too rigid or tensed up, it can cause your blood pressure to rise which leads to adverse health cha llenges such as heart-related illnesses.Asides from blood-related functions, potassium is necessary for proper muscle health, in order for proper contraction and flexing. Additionally, your nerves require potassium equally for adequate working.These are just some of the many reasons why you must take your potassium intake serious, as weve seen above that less than 2% of Americans meet up to the required daily intake, its necessary that you ensure you are a part of the 2% to avoid the risks associated with potassium deficiency.Hence, it’s very clear that every aspect or part of your body has something to do with potassium so its dangerous to ignore proper intake of this macronutrient.CONCLUSIONEven though bananas are one of the best sources of potassium, there are numerous other healthy foods like Edamame and coconut water that give your body more potassium with each serving.Some other foods like a cup of white beans even offer your body double the size of potassium than a medium-s ized banana does.A good trick in ensuring your diet is potassium heavy is adding a lot of plant-based foods to your diet, especially root vegetables.Stay away from whole grains or rice except its mixed with a high potassium veggie, if youre aiming to increase your potassium level.A good example of a mixture is pasta and tomato sauce, you can still enjoy your grains with adequate potassium presence in your meals. Plain grains are just too low to satisfy your required intake.Regardless of which of the 10 foods you like the most ensure that you eat them in moderation, as high potassium levels as weve seen already are a major cause of certain health deficiencies.To ensure this, make sure that you stick to the recommended daily intake of 4700 mg to ensure that your potassium daily consumption is kept in the safe-zone.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Peer Pressure In Adolescence Essay - 1397 Words
Introduction Sex and sexuality are important issues throughout the lifespan, specifically during adolescence. Another large issue during adolescence is pressure from peers. These pressures can be intentional, or just driven by the pressure to fit in by matching other’s actions. One of the more interesting topics in this time of a person’s life is seeing how these two issues overlap. The affect of peer pressure on sexuality in adolescents is a large issue. Large enough to warrant representation in the media to raise some sort of awareness. Visual media sources, such as television and movies, are created to reflect the popular ideas of the time they are based in. The topics discussed will change drastically to match the time periods’†¦show more content†¦In many forms of media, featured in the past and present, sex and sexuality are common topics discussed and experienced by the characters. The largest difference between Usually these storylines revolve ar ound adolescents trying to navigate new sexual experiences, and the other characters reacting to the situation. However, the purpose of this paper is focusing on how peer pressures affect the adolescent’s actions and views on sex. The popular source this paper will be using for comparison is from an episode of Glee titled â€Å"The Power of Madonna†. Two of the three characters facing sexual pressures in this episode, Finn and Rachel, are adolescents. Both feel the need to have sex and lose their virginity due to spoken and unspoken pressures from their peers and partners (Murphy, 2009). This situation revolves around both of the adolescent characters being talked into performing intimate acts, which they are not initially comfortable with. This show is meant to reflect the ideas held by society, specifically by the show’s adolescent viewers. That includes their approaches to discussing sexuality and the influence peers have on it. However, those commonly held b eliefs are not always proven to be true by research on the subject. Pressure from Peers A consensus has been reached by researchers that in general adolescents are participating in more sexualShow MoreRelatedMiddle Childhood and Adolescence1048 Words  | 5 PagesMiddle Childhood and Adolescence Kierra Williams PSY/280 October 30, 2012 Mara Husband Middle Childhood and Adolescence Middle childhood is the period of life that occurs between the ages 7 and 11. During these times of children lives they are in school and are making many different friends, and their cognitive and physical skills are enhancing. 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But, he regrets it, Andrew does not enjoy picking on others and is even ashamed to the point where he doesn’t want to tell his peers. There is a cognitive dissonance between the want to be a good person and the actions he takes to fit into the role he was given. Foreclosure is a major reason why some of the teens have chosen their identities. Identity foreclosure is the term forRead MoreWho Gets Addicted And How?1174 Words  | 5 Pagespredisposition, but the biggest cause of addiction which is causing widespread addiction among humanity are Environmental factors which includes Peer Pressure in Adolescence, Availability of substances, and Family problems. Firstly, Peer Pressure pushes a person to try different addictive substances such as Alcohol, Marijuana etc. As Elizabeth Connel Henderson in his essay Who gets addicted and how tells, how people gets addicted to drugs. 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Peer pressure is an effective mental force that strongly impact adolescent behaviour, either negative or positive depending on what they are compel to do. It is during this developmental phase that adolescence are subjected to been singled out of their peers and having to deal withRead MoreThe Transitions Of Childhood And Becoming An Adult1637 Words  | 7 Pagesyears of development. The years of development through adolescence are normally around the ages of thirteen to eighteen. Biological development can start from being as young as seven years old. There are three main transitions which are the biological changes. These changes are biological and physical, that can be seen during puberty (Kroger, 2006). The cognitive transition this is the mental process of the brain and is when the adolescence starts thinking more advanced, becoming more involved in
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Sample Essay on Childhood Obesity
Sample Essay on Childhood Obesity The problem of obesity is still a prevalent one in the American society. It is often looked at from the perspective of meeting the beauty standards, standing up to ‘fat shaming’, or fighting for the condition of your health. The subject gets even more ‘touchy’ when ethical questions are stirred up pertaining to medical issues of overweight children. Professors often assign this essay topic to their class to get the conversation going. The essay found below can serve as an example to one of these works and not meant for reproductive purposes. The Ethical Dilemma in Treating Childhood Obesity The problem of obesity is still a prevalent one in the American society. It is often looked at from the perspective of meeting the beauty standards, standing up to ‘fat shaming’, or fighting for the condition of your health. The subject gets even more ‘touchy’ when ethical questions are stirred up pertaining to medical issues of overweight children. Professors often assign this essay topic to their class to get the conversation going. The essay found below can serve as an example to one of these works and not meant for reproductive purposes. The Ethical Dilemma in Treating Childhood Obesity Since the 1970s, the childhood obesity percentage in the United States has more than tripled. Recent data shows that nearly every fifth teenager and young fellow 6 to 19 years of age suffers from obesity. In other words, approximately 20% of all American children have problems with excessive body fat. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the easiest and most common way of measuring whether one is overweight or not. To screen your BMI, simply divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters (not centimeters), then, divide the results by your height (meters) once again to get your BMI score in kg/m2. You can then crosscheck your results with BMI categories: Underweight = 18.5 Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 Overweight = 25–29.9 Obesity = 30 The simplicity of these calculations makes excessive weight measurement accessible to everyone. However, what many young people fail to acknowledge is that this data can lead to the inception of destructive thoughts unless approached in the right mindset. For instance, with pop-culture dictating a certain ‘perfect body image’, you can either refer to evaluation results of the current condition of your body for healthy lifestyle motivation purposes or fail to meet initially inflated expectations. This leads to being fixed on the idea that you are overweight. Unless this information is handled correctly, it can lead to problems with self-esteem, self-shaming, or depression. Unfortunately, with children in question, parents too come into play. Often, body standards  objective or not  inspired by the parents have a tremendous impact on how a child views oneself. Even kids with the BMI of the Normal weight category often perceive themselves as ‘not good enough’. Some teens, regardless of their BMI, get so caught up in the idea of being unfit that they develop eating disorders, low self-esteem, and even consider surgical intervention. That’s where ethical disagreement and controversy kick in. In particular, the dilemma revolves around the treatment and whether it should be withdrawn, withheld or altogether canceled. The complication of teenage perfect body aspirations is amplified by the possible uncertainty in the caretakers’ motives. For example, the cases when fit parents approve of bariatric surgery for their own adolescent flesh and blood need more vigilance from the doctor to prevent harming a child incapable of making adult decisions just yet. After all, parents’ consent to surgical treatment, among all possible factors, can be driven by sheer aesthetics. Often, there is no complete understanding of unnecessary and irreversible lifelong compliance with eating modifications, potential complications, behavioral change, and other worrisome consequences done in favor of a fitting the body image. The number of bariatric surgeries performed on teenagers between 12 to 18 years old has tripled between 2000 and 2009. Unfortunately, a lot of these irreversible decisions could have been avoided with the help of alternative methods of overcoming obesity. That, too, easily falls into the dilemma category. Before the surgical treatment of obesity, the doctors have to double-check to ensure that both the parents and the child have taken to heart natural methods of dealing with causes of excess weight. The basic actions parents can take are the following: Increase access to affordable healthy meals, treats, and desserts at home. Increase the time and intensity of children’s athletic activity and games when they are out-of-school. Encourage physical activities and active lifestyle by cultivating a suitable environment and habits in the family. Break unhealthy eating patterns. Reduce child’s exposure to marketing of unhealthy foods. Limit the consumption of junk food, empty calories, an excessive amount of sugars, etc. In other words, all food that puts a child at risk of getting diabetes or other diseases and medical problems. Pay attention to symptoms in the areas of genetic infirmity and take preventative action before a child hits puberty. Pair this with a healthy rest, sufficient sleep, changes in metabolism and return to hormonal balance and you are soon to see the results. The problem with childhood obesity is relevant to this day and with it, the ethical dilemma of its treatment. Fortunately, with enough education on the issue, surgical intervention is not the only option parents have, to ensure the well-being of their child.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What You Dont Know About Classification Samples Essay Could Be Costing to More Than You Think
What You Don't Know About Classification Samples Essay Could Be Costing to More Than You Think Drafting and planning together with researching should be done in order to have a simple writing. Deep learning, at its simplest level, is about representation learning. Representing sound for machine learning isn't trivial in any respect, there are many ways and lots of research done. Information should be organized and has to flow logically for readers to comprehend the point of your research. Your writing has to be brief and concise. Writers don't stick to a specific side. Students have a difficult time in writing if they don't have a draft or outline to follow. In whatever you do you should exude a high degree of self-confidence. Not all folks will be effective in life, but success can be gained. The point is, he says, if you believe you have what is necessary to sell a house for sale by owner, make certain you fully grasp all the pitfalls and what you're giving up by not have agent representation. The idea of human differences refers to the ways that people change and produce a place. Things You Won't Like About Classification Samples Essay and Things You Will Comedy Movies Comedy is a rather common kind of movie and attracts nearly every sort of audience. They are one of the cheapest, but, at the same time one of the most enjoyable and comprehensive entertainment. Therefore, they mean entertainment as well as a medium of a message to change the perception. Sentiment analysis may be used to learn more about the wide variety of reactions from the interactions with unique kinds of platforms. Brainstorming is your capability to hold down the secret to effectiveness! The workplace environment varies tremendously among all settings because of the various personalities and behaviors of all of the coworkers. The authors decided to deploy the previous model. The data set are available here. Then you are going to be able to choose whether you should correct, discard or handle the data in anohter way. Remove numbers Remove numbers if they aren't pertinent to your analyses. The info is going to be organized in a lot of columns, somewhat like a table or spreadsheet. Humans alter the surroundings by, as an example, building roads through wildlife locations. Biodiversity is a vital measure of the wellness of any ecosystem, and of our whole planet. Some ecosystems may have several more species than another. Every ecosystem includes an ex ceptional selection of species, all interacting with one another. Classification Samples Essay Options There's not yet sufficient tutorials out there. Since there are lots of detailed tutorials out there, I'll keep it brief. Source code are found on Github. It is possible to access the complete source code employed in the tutorial here. Many algorithms utilize feature similarity-based strategy. Multilayered artificial neural networks are getting to be a pervasive tool in a range of application domains. Simple machines give mechanical benefits. With numerous languages used throughout the planet, NLP systems might be a true changer. Classification Samples Essay - Is it a Scam? Another style of improving a model is by altering the algorithm. Yipee, a little better Almost all the classifiers are going to have various parameters which may be tuned to get optimal performance. With regard to architecture it's a simple three-layered neural network. At a moment, 1 training example is utilized to update the parameters. The point is to converge to M different regional optima and help save network parameters. 1 way is to create a co-occurrence matrix. A naive strategy is to try out a few distinctive values and see which one gives you the ideal loss without sacrificing speed of training. The entire spiel about big data is that we are able to build much better classifiers largely as a consequence of having more data. Finding the Best Classification Samples Essay The research paper text data is merely a bunch of unlabeled texts and are available here. When you decide on a topic, remember about the duration of your paper. You also ought to consider whether the paper is argumentative, analytical, or among the other types. If you believe it's too problematic for you, don't hesitate and say I need to pay a person to write my research paper.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Critical Review of a Research Paper free essay sample
In order to tackle the sample size amongst only School of Social Sciences, suggest that one degree program from each academic school to be selected for the research within the university.In this way, the demographic of the entire student population will be represented in a more complete manner with diversified students personalities. However, the question in mind now is which stage of students to select? In order to maintain consistency in the study, I recommend selecting only one Stage across the board and not a mixture. Stage one students hardly know their peers in the course and stage three students will be busy communicating within either their consultancy project group or tutor-mentor on dissertation, thus not ideal.Stage two students on the other hand have certain level of knowing the people they always meet in lectures and also have a good mix of individual and group work. Involving staffs and academics from the school into the study is important, as they will be able to lead discussions. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Review of a Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Undergraduates are expecting more contact time, spoon-feeding and handholding from the lecturers because hey misunderstood education in university and paid more school fees (Greening, 2009).In order to find out how efficient Faceable can offer to HE, researchers should not expect student-led discussions occurring that often as they still require facilitators assistance. This is a fact that is happening to the current generation of students as university studies are being perceived as a brought product with the high tuition fees and students, seeing themselves as the consumers, are demanding more from the academics (Jobbing and Ellipse, 2004). Regardless whether the wall postings are reciprocated or reciprocated costively, I think it should be considered as a count for education related posting.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Essay Examples on Lab Report Essay Example
Essay Examples on Lab Report Paper 1st Essay Sample on Lab Report This will be done by measuring a Mil volume of distilled water into a plastic cup on top of a lance to obtain the weight of water added each time. From this experiment, I hope to broaden my knowledge on the different types of pipettes available and with the results base my conclusion on which if the three is most reliable and accurate. Method: 1 . Starting with a Mil blowout pipette, deliver 1 ml of distilled water into a pre- weighed plastic weighing cup. Re-weigh the cup immediately and obtain the weight of the water by subtraction. 2. Using the same pipette, deliver a further four Mil volumes in the same cup, weighing after each delivery to obtain the weight of water added each time. 3. Repeat the above operations using the ml graduated pipette and the Gilson IIOP automatic pipette. 4. After all of the weights of water have been recorded from each pipette, convert them into units of volume (VI), taking the temperature into consideration. 5. Some human errors could be that not all of the solution from the pipettes was transferred into the plastic weighing cup and therefore could have affected the overall weight at the end of the experiment. Parallax errors could have also occurred as when taking the solution from the flask to the pipette, the solution may have not completely reached the bottom the meniscus, causing a shortage in solution being taken into the pipette and therefore when it was being transferred from the pipette to the weighing cup. 2nd Essay Sample on Lab Report We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Materials: Compound light microscope Glass microscope slide with prepared onion root tip specimen Purpose: understand and identify the stages of the cell cycle and mitosis. Apply an analytical technique to estimate the relative length of each stage of the cell cycle. Hypothesis: What do you predict you will find about the number of cells in each of the phases of the cell cycle? Provide an explanation for your prediction. Procedure: Data and Observations: Create a data table containing a tally of the number of cells observed in each of the following stages: Stage Number of Cells in Part 1 Number of Cells in Part 2 Enterprise Protease Metaphors Anapest Telephone Cytokines Record any observations about the cells you observed (what does the cell look like for each stage): Data Analysis: Calculate the percentage of the cell cycle spent in each stage. Number of cells in given stage total number of cells counted x 100 = % of the cell cycle spent in this stage Create a graph that represents the time spent in each stage of the cell cycle. Conclusion: Lab Report Lab Report Lab Report Be sure to answer the following reflection questions in the conclusion of your lab report: Based on your data, what can you infer about the length of time spent in each stage of the cell cycle? What stages were the longest and shortest? Give a brief explanation of why these stages may have that time period. Essay Examples on Lab Report Essay Example Essay Examples on Lab Report Paper 1st Essay Sample on Lab Report This will be done by measuring a Mil volume of distilled water into a plastic cup on top of a lance to obtain the weight of water added each time. From this experiment, I hope to broaden my knowledge on the different types of pipettes available and with the results base my conclusion on which if the three is most reliable and accurate. Method: 1 . Starting with a Mil blowout pipette, deliver 1 ml of distilled water into a pre- weighed plastic weighing cup. Re-weigh the cup immediately and obtain the weight of the water by subtraction. 2. Using the same pipette, deliver a further four Mil volumes in the same cup, weighing after each delivery to obtain the weight of water added each time. 3. Repeat the above operations using the ml graduated pipette and the Gilson IIOP automatic pipette. 4. After all of the weights of water have been recorded from each pipette, convert them into units of volume (VI), taking the temperature into consideration. 5. Some human errors could be that not all of the solution from the pipettes was transferred into the plastic weighing cup and therefore could have affected the overall weight at the end of the experiment. Parallax errors could have also occurred as when taking the solution from the flask to the pipette, the solution may have not completely reached the bottom the meniscus, causing a shortage in solution being taken into the pipette and therefore when it was being transferred from the pipette to the weighing cup. 2nd Essay Sample on Lab Report We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Materials: Compound light microscope Glass microscope slide with prepared onion root tip specimen Purpose: understand and identify the stages of the cell cycle and mitosis. Apply an analytical technique to estimate the relative length of each stage of the cell cycle. Hypothesis: What do you predict you will find about the number of cells in each of the phases of the cell cycle? Provide an explanation for your prediction. Procedure: Data and Observations: Create a data table containing a tally of the number of cells observed in each of the following stages: Stage Number of Cells in Part 1 Number of Cells in Part 2 Enterprise Protease Metaphors Anapest Telephone Cytokines Record any observations about the cells you observed (what does the cell look like for each stage): Data Analysis: Calculate the percentage of the cell cycle spent in each stage. Number of cells in given stage total number of cells counted x 100 = % of the cell cycle spent in this stage Create a graph that represents the time spent in each stage of the cell cycle. Conclusion: Lab Report Lab Report Lab Report Be sure to answer the following reflection questions in the conclusion of your lab report: Based on your data, what can you infer about the length of time spent in each stage of the cell cycle? What stages were the longest and shortest? Give a brief explanation of why these stages may have that time period.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
A Chapter Of My Life Essays - Indian Films, New Delhi India
A Chapter Of My Life Essays - Indian Films, New Delhi India A Chapter of My Life "God helps those who help themselves." This sounds like a simple passage from a religious book, but it has an overwhelming significance in my life. This phrase is greatly responsible for building self- esteem and confidence in me. It can also be credited for transforming a shy, introverted, and confused boy into a very confident and enlightened adult. I neither read the phrase from a book nor heard it at a religious service. I heard these words from someone who really understands the meaning of the phrase. That person's name is Ameet Handa. Ameet is suffering from multiple disabilities. I met him at the institution for the Disabled People in New Delhi, India, where I was sent by the school I was attending in India, to observe and understand the lives of people who are incapacitated. At that time I was on the high school cricket team and I was having problems with my shoulder, which was dislocated from the joint. This incident happened while I was playing cricket with my teammates. I was a fast bowler and my team needed me to win one game in which I hurt myself by throwing the ball. I did not play cricket for almost one year. After one year the school wanted me to play cricket and I played one game. I did not have any problem in that game, but in the second game I broke my hand so badly that I could not lift any we! ight with my hand. My school sent me to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi, which was the best hospital in India, for surgery on my shoulder. There I met Ameet Handa who was 20 years old. Ameet was a person of charming personality. In spite of his multiple disabilities, I always saw him smiling. We soon became good friends. The first week before the surgery, when they were treating my shoulder the only place I was aware of was my room in the hospital. One day Ameet came up to me and said, "Bhavesh, what is wrong with you, I have never seen you smile." I told him everything about my shoulder condition, and how I felt about it. He did not say anything at that moment, but after few hours he asked me to accompany him on a trip within the institute. What I saw during that trip was unbelievable. I saw many people whose physical disabilities were worse than mine. There was a girl who was learning to type with her toes, and there was another blind young man who was working on some machine. Ameet looked at me and said, "The difference between you and these people is that you have conceded the battle, and they are still fighting, and many of them are winning the battles of life." He also said that if I thought that I could not do anything, there was no way I could achieve anything in my life. He said, "God helps those who help themselves." This trip opened the closed door of my mind. I realized that life is too precious to waste by worrying about the things that are beyond my control. Ameet's inspiration and the support of my family, friends and teachers have contributed in the success I have achieved. Due to the surgeries, which were performed on my shoulder about six years ago, my shoulder improved a lot. I do not! know what my life would have been like if I had not met Ameet. The first moment after the surgery when I opened my eyes, I did not feel my hand moving. I cried for that moment until the doctor said that my shoulder was fine, but also he told me that I could not play again at least for next six month. I was so happy that I could play again. The one thing I am not happy with is that I can not bowl as fast as I used to bowl. I started playing again after three months, but I miss those days when I was hero of my high school. Life is too short to waste on unimportant matters. I now enjoy every moment of
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Focus on Music and Drama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Focus on Music and Drama - Essay Example Williams and the Chi, and Town Hustlers. The band held a live concert where they performed several blues songs including â€Å"In My Lonely Room†by Phil Collins (2010) and â€Å"You've Stayed Away Too Long†composed by Willie Nelson (2009). The performers were eight in number where guitarists were divided into bassist, soloist and rhythm, one on keyboard, three vocalists, and a violist. J.W. Williams was the leading performer in the band and controlled everything although he was the one playing bass guitar. All the songs, which Chi-town Hustlers Band performed, had a mixture of classic blues elements, funk and R & B. Most of their songs were romantic in style and in performance. Chi-town Hustlers Band performed well organized and moving blues and their dancing was vigorous and sometimes toned down to accommodate the beats. Most outstanding of their performed songs which were interesting to me were â€Å"In My Lonely Room†by Phil Collins (2010) and â€Å"You've Stayed Away Too Long†composed by Willie Nelson (2009). When they performed these songs, you would think they were their own compositions. It was â€Å"In My Lonely Room†song that was well performed and in which musical elements were professionally blended. As a music student, I could note that the song’s melody focused on the first, fourth and fifth chords in combination. In this case, the music started in the ‘A’ chord and could predict the subsequent chord ‘D’ and ‘E’.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Organisational Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organisational Culture - Essay Example This is evident in the fact that the staff called each other by their first names, and the doctors were called by their first names, except in the presence of patients. However there was a change in the organizational structure and this brought about a change in the culture in East Neasden Dietary department. After the organizational change in the dietary department, the culture in East Neasden dietary department was more of an organizational structure containing line managers with overall executive authority. This new organizational culture provided a mechanism for control and command of the organization's performance "which had previously been dissipated among the clinical, administrative, nursing, paramedical and support groups responsible for delivering healthcare services." (Marlow, Nigel) During the organizational changes in the East Neasden dietary department, the new management attempted to use Mcdonaldisation, which is a method of gearing an organization toward maximization. The setback of this method is that efficiency suffers, because workers would tend to be judged by how fast they work, and not by the quality of their work. The new management tried to achieve Calculability, Predictability and Control by eliminating emotion because it was felt that emotions cause inefficiency. The new leadership also wanted to be able to achieve Control and Predictability in the organization. Inner change and Depth Have the declared objectives of a system approach been met' Are there additional benefits' U should also have to consider the usefulness of a system approach as a tool for a practicing manager. In order for organizational change to become deeper institutional change, the inner dimension of the organization must be mapped. The outcome of this mapping is often novel strategies for transformation. This inner, deeper dimension, however, to successfully lead to long term measurable and observable outcomes must be linked to the litany of the organization (its official self-image), the system of the organization (what it does, how it rewards, its subsystems) its worldview (its culture and the ideologies of stakeholders), and finally its unconscious myths. Thus the deeper story, or myth, guiding metaphor needs to link to its more superficial dimensions. (Inayatullah, Sohail from Control issues Control systems are designed to avoid misleading measurements, collect relevant information, and to distinguish between the levels of control in an organization. The rational technical model of strategic control suggests that if people are given enough information, they will be able to remedy the variance, based on trial and error. Political behavior "often develops before or during organizational change, when what is in the best interests of one group or subunit is perceived by another group to be counter to its best interests." (Klein 1976). It can therefore be said that ay major strategic change elicits overt political behavior and does require considerable political savvy by a strategist for it to become accepted by members of the organization undergoing change. References Klein (1976) Marlow, Nigel. East Neasden: Efficiency in a unit of
Monday, January 27, 2020
Employee performance appraisal theories and techniques
Employee performance appraisal theories and techniques Performance appraisal is to assess and evaluate the performance of employees towards the objectives of the organisation. Performance appraisal has now become a very important part of human resource management. Performance appraisal is the basis for other personnel programs in many of the organisations like counselling, salary administration, or personnel planning. With the decline of careers in organisation, HRM techniques such as performance appraisal has become more important in motivating and controlling the workforce. Appraisal is now seen by some commentators as being much more significant in maintaining employee loyalty and commitment than in directly managing performance (Bowles and Coates, 1993). Use of performance appraisal gives the manager opportunity to change corporate values which are important instrument in control process. Thus we find a growing use of appraisal systems for non-managerial employees that are based on social, attitudinal and trait attributes (Townley, 1 989). Employees are now being appraised not only on objective measures such as attendance, productivity and quality but also on subjective measures such as flexibility, loyalty etc. performance appraisal helps in increasing the efficiency of workforce which in turn helps in achieving the objectives set by an organisation. Performance appraisal is one of the most important components in the systematic approach of Human Resource Management. Performance appraisal is the process of assessing and evaluating the performance of employees according to the objectives of the organisation. Performance appraisal is defined as a procedure which involves the regular use of recorded assessment of an individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s performance and potential (Phil Long (1986). Performance Appraisal Revisited. 2nd ed. London: IPM Information and Advisory Services. 5.). A primary aim of the performance appraisal is to measure the performance of an individual against the given objectives. Performance appraisal includes the employees, management, supervisors and the units those are most responsible in the organisation. Manual staffs such as skilled employees and employees with technical duties are also subject to appraisal. Many organisations use performance appraisal even for other personnel programs, like counselling, sal ary administration, promotions or personnel planning etc. It acts as a means of communication between the boss and the sub ordinates required by the company or organisation. There are many possible uses of performance appraisal, but a wise user of the technique will choose among the possibilities and confine performance appraisal to those activities that will meet limited, specific goals (Patricia King (1984). Performance Planning and Appraisal. New York: McGraw-Hill. 7.). Performance appraisal system helps in measuring the performance of individuals against the set objectives of the organisation and the tasks provided to an individual, and rewarding them accordingly. It is also the basis for recruiting the new people, provide feed back, increase motivation, identify potential, study the skills of the employees, training to be provided according to the objectives and the work given and let people know that what is expected from them against the organisation and solve the job problem s. A change in payment systems has also helped in growth and development of performance appraisal. Reward systems and increased use of merit and performance have been associated with the development of performance appraisal. It would be clear that performance appraisal practices those are operating from past ten years or so may be effective in many organisations today. New developments has reduced the role of performance appraisal, they now are being used as a measure to achieve organisational objectives, considerable experimentation and innovation. In fact performance appraisal has become more wide spread. New forms of appraisals have also been developed. Development of performance appraisal: Informal system of performance appraisal exists as long as people work together; evaluation of employees at work is the universal tendency. The history of formal system of performance appraisal is short. With the new developments performance appraisal has become an important element of human resource management. Wide ranges of methods are used to conduct the performance appraisals such as from ranking schemes and competency based systems to complex behaviourally anchored rating schemes. Performance appraisalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s nature is mostly based on the objectives of management and the available resources for commitment. Simpler ranking and rating schemes are adopted by the small organisations with limited HR expertise, where as schemes such as competency based and 360o appraisal are adopted by the larger organisations. Most of the managements use only one type of appraisal system. Some organisations provide the choice for employees about methods in how they should be appraised. F ew organisations adopt multiple systems to separate reward and non reward aspects of appraisal and different systems to different occupational groups and different parts of the organisation. Appraisal Systems: Appraisal system formulates the review part of the performance cycle. Appraisal systems are designed on a central basis by personnel function, each manager evaluate the performance of their staff on an annual, six-monthly or even quarterly basis. Traditionally appraisal system has been applicable to the staff those are in higher management and supervisory positions, but with new developments it has also applicable even to the clerical staff and secretarial staff. Appraisal systems are been applicable in all the parts of the organisation for the better performance of the employees. It tends to assess the performance of the employees and reward them accordingly. Appraisal system can be used to identify the problems and improve current performance, provide feedback. It also can be used to set the organisation objectives, provide information to the HR personnel, selection process and as a reward or punishments. Appraisal can be divided into three categories, reward reviews, potential reviews, and performance reviews, and the appraisal system should satisfy at least one of those. Manager should be very careful in reviewing the primary purpose of the appraisal system. Source: Performance Appraisal Methods and Techniques: The techniques to evaluate the performance appraisal can be grouped into three categories: Comparative, Absolute and Outcome or Result-oriented. Comparative Methods: These techniques help in evaluation the performance of the employees in a work group. Three main procedures which are used in performance judgements are paired comparisons, raking and forced distribution. Paired comparisons: In this method appraiser compares the pair of individuals, rating which employee is better. This could be based on the overall performance of the job or one specific trait. A rank order is obtained from the number of times each individual is selected as the better of a pair (Phil Long (1986). Performance Appraisal Revisited. 2nd ed. London: IPM Information and Advisory Services). Ranking: Rater requires listing the group of individuals and ranking them according to the merit from best to worst. In this procedure a single performance trait is used to evaluate the overall performance of employees towards the objectives. Forced distribution: This procedure combines both paired comparisons and ranking methods. Individuals receive a rating and also assigned to categories according to predetermined distribution. Absolute Methods: This method evaluates the performance of an individual by reference to standards of performance. Techniques include narrative approach, graphic or trait rating scales, critical incidents and behavioural anchored rating scales. Narrative Approach: This method describes the individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s work performance and behaviour in the words of appraiser. The appraiser describes the strengths, weaknesses and potential of an individual and also suggest for improvements that are required. Appraiser can explain in the form of essay or written report. Narrative procedures have the benefit that they can explain and provide information regarding the individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s performance. Trait Rating Scales: This is highly structured scale which consists of a list of personality traits. The appraiser should indicate the performance of an individual on a numerical scale for which individual is being appraised have these traits. A variation of this is the graphic rating scale which requires the rater to evaluate the individual on each of several defined qualities along a line containing a variety of objectives from very high to very low (Phil Long (1986). Performance Appraisal Revisited. 2nd ed. London: IPM Information and Advisory Services). Critical incident techniques: In this method rater explains the positive and negative behavioural events which have been observed within a review period. It is more suitable for performance feedback discussions. Behavioural Anchored Rating Scales (BARS): BARS is one of the prominent behaviour scaling techniques which determine the behaviour ratings and actually constitute job performance. This methodology is carried out using typical BARS instruments which constitute of series of vertical scales. Each scale determines performance dimension based on job requirements and past observations. The behaviour anchors observed determines the work performance of the individual. Results-oriented Methods: These methods are mostly based on specific accomplishments and outcomes of job performance rather than behaviours. Assessment is based on how the objectives have been achieved. Objectives being jointly agreed between the superior and subordinate and standards are set by discussion and negotiation. As the standards are known the procedure can be corrected as they develop. To study the role of performance appraisal, different appraisal systems, models and how are these helpful in evaluation of employee performance in order to achieve the organisational objectives. To study about performance appraisal systems, methods and techniques. How the appraisal systems are developed and implemented in the real context to achieve the objectives. To study the advantages and disadvantages of different performance appraisal methods. This data has already been published and while using this data the researcher should be very careful about the validity and reliability. Researcher should get the data which has been recently published as it will be more applicable to the present scenario. The data used by researcher in this report is mostly from books, electronic journals, and websites and research journals. Secondary includes both quantitative and qualitative data, and they can be used in both descriptive and explanatory research. Types of secondary data: Documentary data, Survey-based data, and those compiled from multiple sources. Documentary secondary data includes written documents and non written documents. Written documents include books, journals, magazine articles, newspaper and internet. Non-written documents such as pictures, drawings, television programme. Multiple-source secondary data can be based entirely on documentary or any survey data, or can combination of the two. Data collected will be analysed with the help of diagrams, graphs, pie charts and etc. Qualitative data collected from all the possible sources will help in achieving the objectives of dissertation. Saunders et al (2003) claims that there is no standard approach to analyzing qualitative data but discuss one technique where the data are disaggregated into meaningful categories that are subsequently rearranged and analyzed for related data and key themes. The dissertation will be presented in written form meeting the requirements laid down in the Individual Research Dissertation Handbook. And soft copies will be provided in the desirable standard format. Dissertation Time Plan (what are the key times) Meet the appointed lecturer and start with dissertation Finish the introduction and literature review Analyze Data and Interpret data using different data analysis tools and techniques Update Literature Review Complete dissertation by drawing conclusion Submit Dissertation Phil Long (1986). Performance Appraisal Revisited. 2nd ed. London: IPM Information and Advisory Services Patricia King (1984). Performance Planning and Appraisal. New York: McGraw-Hill. Tom Redman, Adrian Wilkinson (2001). Contemporary Human Resource Management. London: Prentice Hall. 57-95. Derek Torrington and Laura Hall (1995). Personal Management. 3rd ed. London: Prentice Hall. 316-331. Stephen Pilbeam and Marjorie Corbridge (2002). People Resourcing HRM in Practice. 2nd ed. London: FT Prentice Hall. 258-283. John P Wilson (1999). Human Resource Development. London: Kogan Page. 153-162.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Essay --
Agriculture plays an important role in the economic development of the country. It produces not only food and raw material but also a large portion of the workforce is engaged in this field (more than 50% in Georgia) . Agriculture is characterized by the presence of risk factors, and hence it is very important to know how to deal with these hazards. Risk factors can be not only biological or climatic variability, as well as fluctuations in prices. Unlike other manufacturers, for farmers and also for privet companies which are involved in agriculture it is difficult to predict the revenues and therefore profits from their activities. Therefore, insurance in agriculture is regarded as the one of the most important and effective way of rick management. It’s very interesting to look through the frameworks of insurance systems in developed countries and also study the experience of developing countries. As well the discussions about tendencies and problems related to insurance in developing countries. As it seems half of the worldwide agriculture insurance comes for US, and less than one-third comes for Western European states. Only three percent comes for Central and Eastern European countries of the world's agricultural insurance. Downstairs on the table we can see the availability of agricultural insurance around the world. In developed countries, there are different types of insurance systems. One of them is the privet insurance system in case of which the insurance companies provide the total compensation for losses and there is no government subsidy for premiums. This kind of insurance system works in Finland, in Germany and in France and in a few other developed countries. Private companies typically insure only certain risks... ... as the reinsurer and they forming entire system and working with it. In this case state should have the role organizer and should put the first capital in this type of insurance companies. The main founders of this system should be the farmers, agricultural cooperatives and peasantry, and also the farmers who have the status of an independent legal entity. I think, taking into account the situation of are in Georgia in this field, I mean, considering natural climate risks, at least in the first stage of all crops and agricultural sectors to be insured should be mandatory for government. Also, it will be interesting to divide Georgia as western and eastern parts and create the self-insurance funds or communities in these two regions. It will be more risk averse for farmers and it will diversify the risks. I will work to make deep this idea and apply to Georgia. â€Æ'
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Built in International style Essay
Administration Building Built in 1949, architect in Pablo Antonio Sr. (National Artist for Architecture) Architecture is in art deco style (art deco came from the French word â€Å"art decoratifs†) emphasizing the 3’s (shape, symmetry and subtlety) ï‚ · The four monti bas reliefs by Francesco R. Monti (renowned Italian sculptor). Made up of plaster of Paris and Kamagong o 1. Historical landing of the Chinese on the Philippine soil o 2. First Baptism of the Filipinos by Magellan o 3. A barrio scene from the Spanish era o 4. Filipino builders against the background of ships, buildings and vehicles which shows the modern industrialization of the country – art deco celebrated industry ï‚ · Carara marbles – very expensive marble from Italy (Carrara marble no longer exists) Gintong Pawis/ Bayanihan by Robert T. Ko – Robert Ko is a professor of Fine Arts in FEU The mural by Antonio Dumlao ( 60yrs) – Conveys the university mission of training the youth for progress Glass Panels (Stained Glass) by Antonio Dumlao – sarimanok o Bought around 2009 – pays tribute to FEU 80th year anniversary The university purchased the Sarimank stained glass panels in 2009 to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the Administration Building, the FEU Auditorium and the Dumlao mural on the 2nd floor. Central skylight Auditorium Formerly the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) during 1950’s-1960’s. All the foremost Filipino and foreign artists performed on its stage. It was the only air-conditioned venue. It had a revolving stage and an orchestra pit making it ideal for many productions. Various artist performed both local and international artist (eg. Lisa Macuja, Alexandra Danilora, Alexandra Danilova (prima ballerina), Isaac Stern (violinist), Martha Graham (Dance Drama), Leonor Orosa Goquinco (National Artist for Dance) Nick Joaquin (National Artist for Theater) Lamberto & Daisy Avellana (National Artists for Theater) Lucio San Pedro (National Artist for Music) It houses 1040 seats, it has a revolving stage which is not being use anymore due to too much electricity consumption Art deco was embellished in the auditorium thru the star diamond shapes on the ceiling. Serve as lighting while the triangle shape serve as air-condition for the ventilation It complements the color of the university (green and gold) ï‚ · Plaque of UNESCO and the CCP PLAQUE Others: Institute seals by Galo Ocampo ( Father of Philippine Heraldry) ï‚ · Fluvial Festival of San Clemente painted by National Artist for Visual arts, Carlos â€Å"Botong†Francisco Nicanor Reyes Sr. Facts 1st president of FEU – Founder 1st Filipino accountant He envisioned a school that would promote the teaching of accounting to Filipinos, a profession formerly available only to foreigners. He wanted to prove that Filipinos were capable and trustworthy in handling the hundred of enterprises that would result with the coming of the independence of the country. For that matter, he finished his studies in the USA for him to be capable enough to establish a school that will cater to his visions He earned an A.B. in 1915 from the University of the Philippines, a bachelor’s degree in Commercial Science from New York University in 1917, and a Master of Arts degree in Business Administration from Columbia University the following year. He received his Ph.D. in Accountancy from Columbia (that’s why he is considered the 1st Filipino accountant) which was also the first degree of its kind to be awarded by Columbia. ï‚ · The Japanese killed him during the pacific war (world war II) and some members of the family. ï‚ · Later on his son Nicanor M. Reyes Jr. became the president of FEU
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria - 1388 Words
Today there is a new extremist organization that rivals even al -Qaeda (Beauchamp 1). This terror group is named the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria., or in short, ISIS. Three years ago, ISIS did not exist but now it controls parts of Iraq and Syria and has made its own state. Terror organizations like al-Qaeda are merely terrorists groups while ISIS has captured and created their own state. ISIS is a well developed organization that has shown their handiwork repeatedly on social media and YouTube (Khedery 1). ISIS is much more developed than most terror groups in that it has a, â€Å"...sophisticated command, control,propaganda, and logistics capabilities, and one that has proven its ability to take and hold strategically critical territory at the heart of the Middle East†(Khedery 1). ISIS is an international threat that can be stopped if the United States takes military action. This war on terror has been raging since one clear day in New York. On September 11, 2001 the United States was shocked by a terrorist attack. Islamic extremists with the group al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and used the fuel filled guided missiles to attack the United States. Two of the planes flew into the World Trade Center in New York. One plane hit the Pentagon outside of Washington D.C. while the last crashed in a field in Pennsylvania (9-11 attacks 1). At 8:45 a.m. on September 11, an American Airlines Boeing 767 crashed into the north World Trade Center building. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria1702 Words  | 7 Pagesinto a post-Al Qaeda era in the Middle East, a new threat has emerged from the ashes of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and later in the 2011 war in Syria. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS, ISIL or Daesh) has rapidly become the most pressing foreign policy concern in the Middle East for the United States. In the last four years, Daesh has gathered swaths of territory in both Iraq and Syria, although it has been driven back thanks to coalition efforts to counter the group. The coalition in placeRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria1603 Words  | 7 PagesThe Background: The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) came to power a decade ago as a small terrorist threat that grew out of the terrorist organization Al Qaeda. When the United States began to pull its troops in the Middle East, Iraq leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, took advantage of the unstable government and reinvigorated ISIS. In just this past year, ISIS has shown us that it is more powerful than Al Qaeda by conquering oil fields and territory in Iraq and Syria with the hopes of creatingRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria1746 Words  | 7 Pages The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is the newer and more intimidating version of the famous terrorist group Al Qaeda. The group makes an appearance in the news almost every day. Over the past couple of years, they have multiplied in numbers. Not limited only to the Middle East, there are people all over the world who have proclaimed allegiance to ISIS. The Islamic extremist group has set out to destroy anything or anyone that comes in their way or do not agree with what they stand for. InRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria Essay794 Words  | 4 PagesMy research topic will explore the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, also known as (ISIS). I chose this topic because it has been an ongoing issue recently along with being a hot and dangerous topic. Picking this topic will help me exploit my audience and grab their attention. Before choosing this topic, I didn’t know very much about it until I did some research and realized how dangerous this Islamic group rea lly is. During my argument I will argue how ISIS has divided countries and have causedRead MoreIslamic State Of Iraq And Syria1629 Words  | 7 Pages Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a military and political organization which is mainly led by nationals of Iraq and Syria. ISIS has committed crimes of unimaginable cruelty in Syria and Iraq but the international criminal court (ICC) does not have the power to open a case, according to Fatou Bensouda. The court was unable to prosecute because neither Syria nor Iraq were members of ICC. (ICC, 2015) Crimes which have been reported, consist of mass executions, sexual slavery, rape and otherRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Syria And Iraq2191 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction The Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) is a radical terrorist organization which has separated itself from other terrorist organizations through its scope of violence, ability and pervasive rhetoric. Since its rise to prominence, the group has caused both localized and international turmoil and loss of civilian life. Despite the ardent failure of the United Nations and its member states to recognize the Islamic state as a legitimate state, ISIS has managed to control and establishRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Syria And Iraq1699 Words  | 7 PagesISIS; the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq better known for their mass killings, terrorist attacks, and intense regime. This group was founded in 1999, and was created by people who were former Al Qaeda members. ISIS is a group of terrorists with members positioned all over the world to carry out with mass killings. The members have been radicalized to believe irrational thoughts of killing harmless human beings. The whole world is aware of the issue, and knows that this terrorist group needsRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria1308 Words  | 6 PagesCanada Should Participate in the Global Coalition to Fight ISIS The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has made headlines throughout the globe this past year with their atrocities against religious minorities and determination to create an Islamic caliphate. They have expressed, throughout, that their primary objective is to establish a Salafist government over the Levant region of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, and Southern Turkey(†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦). The group controls hundreds of square miles, whereRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria1647 Words  | 7 Pages The Legend on Modernist Terrorism The radical Islamic terrorist organization, recently re-titled â€Å"the Islamic State†, has existed under several names since the 1990s. Its history is an epic of how modern terrorism progressed from a religious and political ideal into an obliterating cult. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a properly-armed group that is a threat to the global security. ISIS, whose merciless members delight in murdering innocent people, must be destroyed beforeRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria1592 Words  | 7 Pages The radical Islamic terrorist organization, recently re-titled â€Å"the Islamic State,†has existed under several names since the 1990s. Its history is an epic of how modern terrorism progressed from a religious and political ideal into an obliterating cult. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a properly-armed group that is a threat to the global security. ISIS, whose merciless members delight in murdering innocent people, must be destroyed before its fanatical followers carry out further
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