Sunday, May 24, 2020
Peer Pressure In Adolescence Essay - 1397 Words
Introduction Sex and sexuality are important issues throughout the lifespan, specifically during adolescence. Another large issue during adolescence is pressure from peers. These pressures can be intentional, or just driven by the pressure to fit in by matching other’s actions. One of the more interesting topics in this time of a person’s life is seeing how these two issues overlap. The affect of peer pressure on sexuality in adolescents is a large issue. Large enough to warrant representation in the media to raise some sort of awareness. Visual media sources, such as television and movies, are created to reflect the popular ideas of the time they are based in. The topics discussed will change drastically to match the time periods’†¦show more content†¦In many forms of media, featured in the past and present, sex and sexuality are common topics discussed and experienced by the characters. The largest difference between Usually these storylines revolve ar ound adolescents trying to navigate new sexual experiences, and the other characters reacting to the situation. However, the purpose of this paper is focusing on how peer pressures affect the adolescent’s actions and views on sex. The popular source this paper will be using for comparison is from an episode of Glee titled â€Å"The Power of Madonna†. Two of the three characters facing sexual pressures in this episode, Finn and Rachel, are adolescents. Both feel the need to have sex and lose their virginity due to spoken and unspoken pressures from their peers and partners (Murphy, 2009). This situation revolves around both of the adolescent characters being talked into performing intimate acts, which they are not initially comfortable with. This show is meant to reflect the ideas held by society, specifically by the show’s adolescent viewers. That includes their approaches to discussing sexuality and the influence peers have on it. However, those commonly held b eliefs are not always proven to be true by research on the subject. Pressure from Peers A consensus has been reached by researchers that in general adolescents are participating in more sexualShow MoreRelatedMiddle Childhood and Adolescence1048 Words  | 5 PagesMiddle Childhood and Adolescence Kierra Williams PSY/280 October 30, 2012 Mara Husband Middle Childhood and Adolescence Middle childhood is the period of life that occurs between the ages 7 and 11. During these times of children lives they are in school and are making many different friends, and their cognitive and physical skills are enhancing. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Sample Essay on Childhood Obesity
Sample Essay on Childhood Obesity The problem of obesity is still a prevalent one in the American society. It is often looked at from the perspective of meeting the beauty standards, standing up to ‘fat shaming’, or fighting for the condition of your health. The subject gets even more ‘touchy’ when ethical questions are stirred up pertaining to medical issues of overweight children. Professors often assign this essay topic to their class to get the conversation going. The essay found below can serve as an example to one of these works and not meant for reproductive purposes. The Ethical Dilemma in Treating Childhood Obesity The problem of obesity is still a prevalent one in the American society. It is often looked at from the perspective of meeting the beauty standards, standing up to ‘fat shaming’, or fighting for the condition of your health. The subject gets even more ‘touchy’ when ethical questions are stirred up pertaining to medical issues of overweight children. Professors often assign this essay topic to their class to get the conversation going. The essay found below can serve as an example to one of these works and not meant for reproductive purposes. The Ethical Dilemma in Treating Childhood Obesity Since the 1970s, the childhood obesity percentage in the United States has more than tripled. Recent data shows that nearly every fifth teenager and young fellow 6 to 19 years of age suffers from obesity. In other words, approximately 20% of all American children have problems with excessive body fat. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the easiest and most common way of measuring whether one is overweight or not. To screen your BMI, simply divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters (not centimeters), then, divide the results by your height (meters) once again to get your BMI score in kg/m2. You can then crosscheck your results with BMI categories: Underweight = 18.5 Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 Overweight = 25–29.9 Obesity = 30 The simplicity of these calculations makes excessive weight measurement accessible to everyone. However, what many young people fail to acknowledge is that this data can lead to the inception of destructive thoughts unless approached in the right mindset. For instance, with pop-culture dictating a certain ‘perfect body image’, you can either refer to evaluation results of the current condition of your body for healthy lifestyle motivation purposes or fail to meet initially inflated expectations. This leads to being fixed on the idea that you are overweight. Unless this information is handled correctly, it can lead to problems with self-esteem, self-shaming, or depression. Unfortunately, with children in question, parents too come into play. Often, body standards  objective or not  inspired by the parents have a tremendous impact on how a child views oneself. Even kids with the BMI of the Normal weight category often perceive themselves as ‘not good enough’. Some teens, regardless of their BMI, get so caught up in the idea of being unfit that they develop eating disorders, low self-esteem, and even consider surgical intervention. That’s where ethical disagreement and controversy kick in. In particular, the dilemma revolves around the treatment and whether it should be withdrawn, withheld or altogether canceled. The complication of teenage perfect body aspirations is amplified by the possible uncertainty in the caretakers’ motives. For example, the cases when fit parents approve of bariatric surgery for their own adolescent flesh and blood need more vigilance from the doctor to prevent harming a child incapable of making adult decisions just yet. After all, parents’ consent to surgical treatment, among all possible factors, can be driven by sheer aesthetics. Often, there is no complete understanding of unnecessary and irreversible lifelong compliance with eating modifications, potential complications, behavioral change, and other worrisome consequences done in favor of a fitting the body image. The number of bariatric surgeries performed on teenagers between 12 to 18 years old has tripled between 2000 and 2009. Unfortunately, a lot of these irreversible decisions could have been avoided with the help of alternative methods of overcoming obesity. That, too, easily falls into the dilemma category. Before the surgical treatment of obesity, the doctors have to double-check to ensure that both the parents and the child have taken to heart natural methods of dealing with causes of excess weight. The basic actions parents can take are the following: Increase access to affordable healthy meals, treats, and desserts at home. Increase the time and intensity of children’s athletic activity and games when they are out-of-school. Encourage physical activities and active lifestyle by cultivating a suitable environment and habits in the family. Break unhealthy eating patterns. Reduce child’s exposure to marketing of unhealthy foods. Limit the consumption of junk food, empty calories, an excessive amount of sugars, etc. In other words, all food that puts a child at risk of getting diabetes or other diseases and medical problems. Pay attention to symptoms in the areas of genetic infirmity and take preventative action before a child hits puberty. Pair this with a healthy rest, sufficient sleep, changes in metabolism and return to hormonal balance and you are soon to see the results. The problem with childhood obesity is relevant to this day and with it, the ethical dilemma of its treatment. Fortunately, with enough education on the issue, surgical intervention is not the only option parents have, to ensure the well-being of their child.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What You Dont Know About Classification Samples Essay Could Be Costing to More Than You Think
What You Don't Know About Classification Samples Essay Could Be Costing to More Than You Think Drafting and planning together with researching should be done in order to have a simple writing. Deep learning, at its simplest level, is about representation learning. Representing sound for machine learning isn't trivial in any respect, there are many ways and lots of research done. Information should be organized and has to flow logically for readers to comprehend the point of your research. Your writing has to be brief and concise. Writers don't stick to a specific side. Students have a difficult time in writing if they don't have a draft or outline to follow. In whatever you do you should exude a high degree of self-confidence. Not all folks will be effective in life, but success can be gained. The point is, he says, if you believe you have what is necessary to sell a house for sale by owner, make certain you fully grasp all the pitfalls and what you're giving up by not have agent representation. The idea of human differences refers to the ways that people change and produce a place. Things You Won't Like About Classification Samples Essay and Things You Will Comedy Movies Comedy is a rather common kind of movie and attracts nearly every sort of audience. They are one of the cheapest, but, at the same time one of the most enjoyable and comprehensive entertainment. Therefore, they mean entertainment as well as a medium of a message to change the perception. Sentiment analysis may be used to learn more about the wide variety of reactions from the interactions with unique kinds of platforms. Brainstorming is your capability to hold down the secret to effectiveness! The workplace environment varies tremendously among all settings because of the various personalities and behaviors of all of the coworkers. The authors decided to deploy the previous model. The data set are available here. Then you are going to be able to choose whether you should correct, discard or handle the data in anohter way. Remove numbers Remove numbers if they aren't pertinent to your analyses. The info is going to be organized in a lot of columns, somewhat like a table or spreadsheet. Humans alter the surroundings by, as an example, building roads through wildlife locations. Biodiversity is a vital measure of the wellness of any ecosystem, and of our whole planet. Some ecosystems may have several more species than another. Every ecosystem includes an ex ceptional selection of species, all interacting with one another. Classification Samples Essay Options There's not yet sufficient tutorials out there. Since there are lots of detailed tutorials out there, I'll keep it brief. Source code are found on Github. It is possible to access the complete source code employed in the tutorial here. Many algorithms utilize feature similarity-based strategy. Multilayered artificial neural networks are getting to be a pervasive tool in a range of application domains. Simple machines give mechanical benefits. With numerous languages used throughout the planet, NLP systems might be a true changer. Classification Samples Essay - Is it a Scam? Another style of improving a model is by altering the algorithm. Yipee, a little better Almost all the classifiers are going to have various parameters which may be tuned to get optimal performance. With regard to architecture it's a simple three-layered neural network. At a moment, 1 training example is utilized to update the parameters. The point is to converge to M different regional optima and help save network parameters. 1 way is to create a co-occurrence matrix. A naive strategy is to try out a few distinctive values and see which one gives you the ideal loss without sacrificing speed of training. The entire spiel about big data is that we are able to build much better classifiers largely as a consequence of having more data. Finding the Best Classification Samples Essay The research paper text data is merely a bunch of unlabeled texts and are available here. When you decide on a topic, remember about the duration of your paper. You also ought to consider whether the paper is argumentative, analytical, or among the other types. If you believe it's too problematic for you, don't hesitate and say I need to pay a person to write my research paper.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Critical Review of a Research Paper free essay sample
In order to tackle the sample size amongst only School of Social Sciences, suggest that one degree program from each academic school to be selected for the research within the university.In this way, the demographic of the entire student population will be represented in a more complete manner with diversified students personalities. However, the question in mind now is which stage of students to select? In order to maintain consistency in the study, I recommend selecting only one Stage across the board and not a mixture. Stage one students hardly know their peers in the course and stage three students will be busy communicating within either their consultancy project group or tutor-mentor on dissertation, thus not ideal.Stage two students on the other hand have certain level of knowing the people they always meet in lectures and also have a good mix of individual and group work. Involving staffs and academics from the school into the study is important, as they will be able to lead discussions. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Review of a Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Undergraduates are expecting more contact time, spoon-feeding and handholding from the lecturers because hey misunderstood education in university and paid more school fees (Greening, 2009).In order to find out how efficient Faceable can offer to HE, researchers should not expect student-led discussions occurring that often as they still require facilitators assistance. This is a fact that is happening to the current generation of students as university studies are being perceived as a brought product with the high tuition fees and students, seeing themselves as the consumers, are demanding more from the academics (Jobbing and Ellipse, 2004). Regardless whether the wall postings are reciprocated or reciprocated costively, I think it should be considered as a count for education related posting.
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